Hello...new to the forum, got my black '10 Prius IV with dark grey leather and NAV today. I got the Bluetooth paired with my phone and it's playing music and dialing. Nice! The NAV seems to work well and IMHO works infinitely better than the NAV on my phone (Verizon). Got all my stations programmed and other wise am focusing on the task of driving a very different kind of car. I got 51mpg on the way home...not bad, even if it's 2mph high. ;-) Every SUV and large truck feels they must tailgate me in this car. And that was just on the ride home.
Hey TopJimmy5150! CONGRATULATIONS! It's a really great car and with cool Technology added in! I have the V and almost took a Black IV with Leather and Nav....but they wouldn't sell it to me... But they just hit the dealer and I understand why....but waited and got the Winter Grey V and am lovin it. Any questions just ask, and as for those on your tail...don't even worry about it! You will find that the rear hatch design blocks those nasty headlights too....it lines up perfect for those who love to be on your BEE-HIND! Anyway, enjoy all the new features and your car...and Best of Luck to you! WELCOME TO THE PRIUS FAMILY!