Yesterday I noticed that the climate control's LCD panel on my gen 3 trim 2 is recessed slightly (about 1mm) from the trim panel and buttons around it. Now that I've noticed it, it's driving me crazy. Why isn't it flush with the buttons and trim panel? Is it designed this way or does mine have a manufacturing defect?
So, could someone go out and look at the climate control display on their vehicle and tell me whether theirs is recessed like mine, or flush? Do I have a defective unit or is it just an odd design choice?
Mine is the same as I do believe that the buttoms are easier to work this way than if they were both leveled together...
Thanks. Just needed a confirmation on someone else's vehicle to make sure I hadn't gone crazy or something.
I just left for and got back from the airport. While driving there I had to look at this since I remembered your post. Wow, I cannot believe you even noticed something that small. Mine is the same way and I had the exact same thought as Smoke when messing with it.
Thanks Paradox. Actually I had inspected the display closely since I banged something against it and was worried about any damage. It seems odd that the climate display is recessed but the stereo display is flush.
I though the US did not work in the easiest units around Also is that a females mm or males mm female's 1mm = 1mm Male's 1 mm appear to be 25 mm long(1 inch):rockon:
I second the response - Mine's exactly the same. CC panel inset a bit, Sound system flush. Never noticed it. Actually like the look of the inset better - but talk about picking Nits.... Not to bring up old news here, but still - after 4 months having the car, I still like the unique floating console style and ease of access.