Kenwood KSC-SW1 Speaker Input Sensitivity

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by GDH, Jun 20, 2005.

  1. GDH

    GDH Junior Member

    Jun 20, 2005
    Hacienda Heights, CA
    2005 Prius
    Installed a KSC-SW1 sub woofer today in my Prius with JBL option.

    I picked up the woofer input signals by tapping into the rear speaker leads where they come out of the amp under the front passenger seat.

    With the radio controls set to "normal" levels, and the sub turned all the way up, the sub puts out almost nothing.

    I know the speaker leads are wired correctly by testing with another speaker at the amp.

    Power and ground also test good at the sub connector.

    If I connect another line level device to the sub line level inputs, it works fine. It just seems like the sub speaker input sensitivity is too low.

    I know I can add a converter to convert the speaker level signals to line level and use these on the sub if necessary, but hate to if not necessary.

    Anyone have any experience with this issue??
  2. Steve Zettel

    Steve Zettel New Member

    Apr 10, 2005
    I'm using the speaker level inputs to the Kenwood KSC-SW1, also from the rear speaker outputs at the connector from the amplifier under the passenger seat (JBL premium system).

    I didn't experience low sub volume. More than plenty of volume to vibrate the entire car. For normal listening I have the sub volume about a third of the way up, phase switch to "0", and crossover somewhere between 50 and 60. I turn down the main speaker bass -2 or -3 on the MFD Audio > Sound screen. Nice tight bass and still plenty of impact with kick drums, etc.

    It could be that the speaker-level input sensitivity of your unit is too low due to misadjustment at the factory, or malfunction.

    However, since the signals are summed for the mono subwoofer output, perhaps you have the polarity of one pair or the other reversed. Another possibility is that one or more wire taps, if you used them, might not be making contact with either the amp output conductors, or the subwoofer speaker-in conductors. Apparently, line-level is good, so that gives the driver and sub amp(s) a clean bill of health.

    Pardon me if you've checked this already, but I know I've been able to miswire stuff even after checking it twice -- and I work in the electrical/electronic field as a living!

    Hope this helps.

    When it's working correctly the Kenwood sub makes a very noticeable improvement in the quality of the JBL system. Also, pulling the plug on the POS center speaker is a must, IMO.

    I mounted the sub standing upright in the small well/cubby-hole on the drivers side hatch area, with the umbilical cord wrapped in spiral wrap and running through the spare tire area to the 12VDC battery. Plenty of slack to move the sub around. I tried the under floor storage area, but though the bass was still plenty loud, it became muddy and bloated, probably from some additional delay, exciting body panels, etc. With one driver firing into free air, though the other one is in the plastic storage well, the sound is much tighter and articulate.

    After doing mine, about the only other mod I'm considering is the addition of Dynamat/B-quiet to the front and rear doors.

    Good luck!

    Steve Z
  3. NuShrike

    NuShrike Active Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    2005 Prius
    Just had my Kenwood SW-1 installed at the Best Buy in Tustin this past weekend with it hooked up to the speaker-level rear-speaker outs at the JBL amp, and the speaker mounted flat and covered inside the trunk box.

    I then created a CD with a bunch of tone tracks from 31Hz to 5KHz to tune the whole thing. I'll go up to 20KHz when I have more time to generate the tracks.

    The bass-remote is setup with the phase button pushed in, crossover turned halfway between the 50Hz and 120Hz settings (75), and the volume turned 90 degrees away from min volume. Prius sounds settings set to -(0-2)/0/0. This gives me a strong and fair sound response from 50Hz to 80Hz for CDs. It could be better, and should've been tuned like this at the factory :p.

    The bass doesn't do 41Hz, or below, well. Might need to get a 8" or bigger for that. I think the front woofers rattle at 80Hz also.

    With the phase button pushed in, there is some sound cancellation between the rear speakers and the bass close to 63Hz-70Hz, but it's something you want to flatten this normally peak response area, and the "cancellation" area will move around depending on the volume, and crossover level.

    Without the phase button pushed in, there's almost no bass response at 50Hz-63Hz. Very bad.

    Also, it's totally different if the cassette deck is the sound source. Settings are with the crossover set at 120Hz (max), the volume set at halfway to max, and phase button pushed in.

    These settings gives me a "fairly" flat response for "my ears". I'll need to hook up a mike to the laptop in order to measure the actual response curves.

    Hm.. need to check if the sound gets crisper if it's not covered.

    Well, sound isn't any crisper with the covers off. Now I'm trying the settings with the phase-button not pushed in, crossover set to 50Hz (min), and volume set to 1/2 of max. The phase-cancellation of the stock speakers up to 120Hz by the bass was too much, and made the bass volume adjustment moot.

    Now with the new no cancellation settings, there's still a serious dropoff in volume/frequency response around 230Hz from the stock speakers. Is this the speakers or the amp fault?
  4. GDH

    GDH Junior Member

    Jun 20, 2005
    Hacienda Heights, CA
    2005 Prius
    Problem is fixed.

    Suggestion that I had a speaker tap wire pair phase reversed was correct.

    As soon as I panned everything right or left, I had plenty of sub so the left and right channels were canceling at the sub.

    On the yellow/black pair to the LR speaker, I assumed black was the low side, but it is actually the high side.

    Anyway, with the wires connected correctly, there is ample speaker input sensitivity.

    Thanks for the help!!
  5. Steve Zettel

    Steve Zettel New Member

    Apr 10, 2005

    I'm glad it worked out without too much trouble. Let us know how you like the Kenwood sub after you've played with it awhile and gotten it dialed-in.

    Best of luck with the tunes and the Prius!

    Steve Z
    near Libby, MT USA
  6. HYACK

    HYACK New Member

    Jun 12, 2005
    Cape and Islands, Massachusetts
    Hey guys, interesting thread.

    I'm actually steering away from an actual sub installment if I can, but want some definite, harmonized sub-bass for a more dynamic stage.

    I'm therefor thinking about amplified Kicker 6.5" door mounted sub-bass (@ 40hz-500hz) as an option..

    Any opinions of how substantial the lows would be with this rear door installation? I've never heard the Kicker sub-bass, so am working only off my gut and the spec sheet at this point..

    I just want minimal rattles and maximum sound quality - nothing too loud however, w/respect to bass thump ;)

    Any other suggestions? Thanks a million for any feedback!
  7. MBranstein

    MBranstein New Member

    Sep 13, 2005
    Prospect, KY
    2006 Prius
    So, has everyone decided whether the Kenwood KSC-SW1 is a good buy or a bad buy yet?

    I'm wondering whether to purchase this unit, or look for a different unit.

  8. NuShrike

    NuShrike Active Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    2005 Prius
    Any sub is great. The Kenwood is good because it's small, easy to hide, self-powerd, and still sounds great.
  9. MBranstein

    MBranstein New Member

    Sep 13, 2005
    Prospect, KY
    2006 Prius
    Thanks - I'm putting this on my X-Mas list.