"If it's a hybird made in America by Americans" --Ford President (not a real quote, but it's believable) They'll do anything to try to get a leg up in the hybrid race that they're already losing.
...or perhaps to pump up interest in Ford's soon-to-be-released hybrid. I doubt that Ford's corporate atttude is even in the same Galaxy (no pun. OK, it is a pun) as is that pf Toyota's Project Green philosophy. They just wanna sell cars. If they look a little green to a small audience, that's ok. It's all about spin. I will certain welcome any cumulative tax breaks. I am not holding my breath. The best we might hope for is for Kerr's administration to reverse the cukrrent PZEV credit annual decliine and make it a streaght $ 2,000.00 without redicutions. I got lmy IRS deduction in 03. I cannot for the life of me see whey those who had to wait until '04 should pay a penalty of $ 500.00, or $ 1,000 next year. But in time, Ford, GM and Chrysler will wish they had done the planning and investment in Hybrid Technology and worldwide Green operations that Toyota approved and is now implementing. Bob
It's a deduction. If you are in the 20% bracket the reduction in tax savings is $100. If you are really rich and you are in the 33% bracket, the reduction is about $160. But if you are in the 33% bracket, $160 is peanuts, and you are still paying $500 less for having bought a Prius than you'd pay if you had bought a different car. If you are in the 25% bracket, the gummint lowered your tax bill by $500 if you bought a Prius in 2003, or $375 for buying one in 2004.
Odd, Ford didn't seem all that interested in good mileage and/or rebates for hybrids until they leased the technology from Toyota. It would be deliciously hypocritical of Ford, however, if they tried to limit the rebate to American made cars only. Whatever it takes, though, I applaud any effort to nudge us away from high gas consumption. Most of the mess in the Middle East, in which we find ourselves, is due to our dependence on their oil and our corresponding need to support hideously bad governments, meddle in their tribal affairs, and step on their religious sensibilities, while trying simultaneously to support Israel and not offend US public opinion by reining in Sharon and the Likkud party. If we were mostly free of Middle East oil we could pursue a more realistic foreign policy without our own ("cocaine") addiction disrupting everything. Drilling in Alaska's Wilderness is not the answer either. My partner and I are going to an "alternate fuel vehicle show" here in Seattle tomorrow, Saturday. Hoping HUMU will find some interesting company among the bio diesels and who knows what else. Bob