Dear friends. I put this post second time, because I put it before inside topic, what is wrong I think, that's why I make a new topic to get help from you. I'm new on forum, from yesterday I have 2001 Toyota Prius with huge millage, over 170k. I don't understand what I see on consuption screen. My MPG is very high for Prius, it shows 19 mpg when I started engine in cold Chicago weather (around 40 degrease), after drived few miles when blue light with termometer turn off (what this light mean?) mpg changed to 27, is it my consumption for a right moment and my average will be better or it is what my car really burn and I only make max 27 mpg. If yes, why is so high? What should I check in my car to get an answer? I don't understand what my LCD screen show with battery regenrated, after I drive some yellow squares show up with letter E, it's growing, but never go higher than 1/3 high. I don't have my owners manual, maybe someone can show me where I can find some instructions what screen shows. I really want to understand my car and I need your help with this, I want to thanks in advance for everybody who helps me.
Hi Marc. I'm going to point you to John's website: John's Stuff - Toyota Prius and more He bought his Gen1 Prius in 2000 and has owned a Prius - one of each generation - ever since. He has pages under "Prius Info" that will explain the various screens you see. After that, you should check out the ChicagoPriusGroup at Chicago Prius Group and attend a group event or two. This will give you live and direct interaction with other Prius owners who can show you exactly what's going on with your car. Other than that, I'm going to let some else - a Gen1 owner - address your concerns.
Hi Marc, I second Tony's suggestion about checking out John's site, it is a wealth of Prius knowledge. To address you main question though - it sounds like this was a very short trip, in relatively cool weather (such as now?). Like any car, the Prius has to get warmed up to maximize efficiency. The cooler it is, the longer it usually takes to warm. If your trip was less than 10 minutes, for example, you will not see fantastic mileage, but virtually guaranteed to still be better than that any other car in the same situation. (remember, most cars do not show "instant" fuel economy, so you simply don't realize how *bad* that warm up stage truly is). I have never owned a "Classic" Prius (2001-2003) myself, so I can't comment on your questions about the display. Also, there really is no need to let your Prius "warm up" if you are in the habit of doing that. Nor is there really any reason to do that with ANY modern fuel-injected car. 30 seconds of warm up is more than sufficient for any car, just to be sure the oil is well circulated in the engine before applying any load. Hope that helps...
Thank you, mpg going up at all time, now it's 33 now. I'll check it tomorrow. I have 100 miles to drive thru city and highways, I'll wirte how it looks by the end of a day.
I make 180 miles, and avg MPG is now 42. Is it maximum what my car can do in temperature around 40 degrease F? When I use heating do I have to turn on A/C button?
42 mpg is quite good for the Classic especially considering your ambient temp is 40 degrees F. You'll find that the mpg improves in the springtime. You should leave the AC button off when heating, unless you want to force the AC compressor to run and dehumidify the air.
Thanks Patrick, I have one more question. Is anyone used block heater, is it worth to install, if yes where I can find some detail info where and for how much I can buy an install it.
Many forum members in northern latitudes are using the block heater to aid warmup and improve mpg during the first 10 minutes of operation. This is probably a useful investment assuming your electric rates are relatively low. (For example when living in southern CA my marginal kWh rate was around $0.37, much higher than in most parts of the country.) You can buy the block heater here: PriusChat Shop : Toyota Prius Engine Block Heater [Prius EBH] - $59.00 Here's one post about how to install: Living in southern AZ now, a block heater is about the last thing that I need...
Don't waste your money. It will still get 10mpg less in the winter even with the first 5 minutes getting the warm weather 22mpg. Until you insulate the engine compartment and the batteries are heated, it won't make a substantial difference.
Interesting, do you have any data on battery temperatures and MPG impact? Are you using some of the flat heaters from JC Whitney? Any photos? Bob Wilson
the question is if a Remote Start will help him? you can set a remote start to start the engine 12 , 24 or 36 min.