Dave, Welcome to the forum. I have only been a member for a few weeks, but a wealth of info here and great people. What color is your cat?? Don
LOL, thanks, I have 3 cats one is a tortoise shell calico, the other is an orange tabby, and the 3rd is a gray long haired cat. Dave.
ahh, more cat people join the board. soon we will be able to take out all those DOG people... [evil laugh] just kidding. i took my little furry demons to the vet today, that was a good time... had to take the whole morning off...
Welcome Dave! I think we should start a Silver Prius sub group! Good choice in color/options and purchase price. :multi:
Thanks all....hey, don't "take out the dog people" We also have a Border Collie running around the house, herding all the cats where she wants them to go. It's the best thing. When the cats get into fights here and there, our Border Collie jumps right in the middle and herds one of them into another room :lol: Dave.
Well, fantastic news!!!! My Prius was delivered to my house this evening! I wasn't supposed to pick it up until tomorrow evening, but plans had changed and I was able to get it a tad earlier. I was stuck at work and my father actually went over to the dealership and drove it home for me without letting me know. So, I got home and saw it parked across the street from my house. Thought to myself "I guess my neighbor copied me and went out and got one"...walked inside and my wife knew about it, and told me to check our home voicemail. So my Dad leaves me a message saying that the keys are at his place. It was like lightspeed heading out the front door. So, very happy indeed, took it to the grocery store, but not much else tonight as far as driving. Man do I love this car. I'm taking off work tomorrow though to take some personal time with my new Prius . I feel that's the right thing to do Dave.
I've been waiting 6 weeks for my silver, but had a call today that it will be here in 10 to 14 days. Yay! I can't wait to join all of you as a proud Prius owner!
Congrats! That 10 to 14 days will go by quickly, I only waited about 9 days, but it went by very quick. I've learned so much already from these boards before I got mine, it has been and continues to be a great help. Dave.
Thanks...I hope it goes quickly. And I have already learned much from this site. (Printing the pre-delivery checklist to take with me!)
[font=Comic Sans MS:0c34a21d17]Congratulations, Dave! Now the fun really begins![/font:0c34a21d17] artytime:
Just gotta share this. I picked up my white '05 last Friday (2 months & 1 week after ordering it). LOVE IT. Driving to work the first time today, I got 55.4 mpg to work... 59.4 mpg back home!!! (12 mile drive each way). And I have two cats.
Sorry to have gotten in on this one late, but welcome to the site, Dave! Oh, and V8CobraKid, you weren't 21 when you joined so we couldn't offer you a cold one - sorry :lol:
:mrgreen: Well "Guys & Gals" this is not a Prius thing but after reading the above postings I feel like I should introduce my family members. 1ST Ragdoll, Male, 11LBS. Name Maxwell goes by Max 2ND Maine Coon, 25LBS. Name Tiger goes by Tiger All and lets not forget the most important Family member, Wife, Catherine goes by Cathy Max is kinda wifes buddy and the Maine Coon Tiger is my pal and where I go he goes in house. He's lying on desk beside me now while I'm on the Internet. What a buddy :lol: Regards terry