What does the button under the drivers side of the dash marked "SET" do? I pushed it and nothing happened. Not that I was expecting anything. Just curious what it sets.
Are you referring to the reset button for the Tire Pressure Monitoring System, much lower than the steering wheel?
There is a button under the dash, near the steering column which is used to reset/calibrate the tire pressure. More description of what it does can be found in your manual.
This "RESET" button is important if you modify your tire pressures. For example, if you were to increase your tire pressures from, let's say 35psi front and 34psi rear, to 41psi front and 40psi rear, that would mean an increase in pressures of 6psi each tire. To the best of my memory, the TPMS warning light/symbol are triggered at a pressure of 7psi lower than that of the tires memorized pressure. If this were the case, at your current NEW tire pressures (each tire having been raised by 6psi), the next time you started your car, you'd get a Low Pressure warning, because the TPMS was set to alarm at 28psi front and 26psi rear, and your NEW values are now 13psi above your current set Low Pressure warning value, therefore, you'll get a WARNING! What the "SET" button does, is to teach the system a new alarm point whenever pressures are changed. Best I remember, set the NEW cold tire pressures, turn the car OFF, turn it back ON, Press the "SET" button and hold it for 3 seconds-I believe until the TPMS light begins to blink, let up the button and turn OFF the Power...your NEW tire pressure warning is now set (Initialized) to alarm at 34psi instead of 28psi. David (aka Blind guy)
Thataway... just go about pressing buttons with no clue as to purpose. Watch out for that ejection seat button. If you don't know where that's located, check out your owner's manual.
Name a button that you can push with the Prius off that will do damage to the Prius? Now name a button that you can push with the Prius on that will do damage to the Prius?
There is only one button that falls into both categories: the SET button under the steering wheel. Tom
From what David (aka Blind guy) said, you cant do anything by just pressing the button. There is other Voodoo, that you do, to make it work. Sorry Mel.
Found that button today...did a search...ended up here. Umm, what does that button do on my 2010 package II ?