Either I'm not observant (and I think I am) or the 2010 Prius II doesn't have the switch near the steering to disable the SKS. I know it disables itself after a number of days, but if I'm going to leave it unattended I'd like to save the little battery power it uses right away. If it's there, can someone direct me to it?? Thanks. By the way, as measured by my first gas fill up at 410 miles, my actual mileage is 53 mpg. I'm impressed.
See this thread for discussion about it http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...-will-park-lax-13-days-dead-battery-sure.html
I merged the OP's original thread asking this question with his second thread asking the same question. Please, a question only needs to be asked one in one thread. Asking the same questions if different forums only creates multiple discussion in multiple areas concerning the same topic. Thanks!
Probably another "money saving" move. One less button, less wires in the harness, etc. This would be part of the larger "content reduction" with the G3 to reduce overall manufacturing costs, so that they can offer a few new bells and whistles (like the light that shines on the shifter). Another good example that even Consumer Reports picked up on in this month's issue: the "Old Tech" MID (see CR's G3 review: their phrase, not mine), that replaces the higher resolution, higher color MFD on the G2. Not to mention that some are reporting that the MID on the G3 has some "latency" associated with it, such that leaving it in one mode for a while will result in what looks like a "burn in" image. I hate "content reduction"!
This is an issue I have to figure out a solution for... In my G2, I would disable the SKS, take the metal key out of the fob, and leave the fob in the locked car. This was useful for 1) jogging, and 2) being at a pool or the beach. Maybe I can put the fob in a mylar bag or metal box (i.e. a Faraday cage).
I'll bet it's because most people never read the manual and had no idea it even existed, so for most people having it was a waste, and because they didn't know it was there, they didn't disable it, thereby killing their battery quicker when away on a trip. Remember the car is built for the uninformed masses, not the informed few.
Here are instructions on how to disable the Smart Key System on PIII. I don't know if it works: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...tructions-disable-sks-without-techstream.html