Not Hybrid tax credits, but you can deduct any sales taxes on your '09 return. Virginia has a 3% sales tax that I'll be deducting.
That's one reason we got a new car this year. With the old car beginning to limp along, it made sense to jump now instead of waiting for next year, especially with the tax deduction. You know, it's funny how high taxes are on things, right up until you look at a deal like this, and then it seems a bit small. Something like $700 deductible (which will be something like $200 actually saved) is nice, but pretty small. I was surprised by the lack of hybrid tax credits -- hadn't properly researched it -- but that would've been gravy since we were going to get the 2010 Prius anyhow. I got the VA Clean Fuel tags so I wouldn't get a ticket accidentally by being on I-66 inside the Beltway at the wrong time of day. And we evidently get to skip emissions inspections, too. (I thought it might be for the life of the car, but it may only be until the state decides that the model year is old enough to warrant it.)
I bought a 09 Prius in Feb and my sales tax was almost $2000 (off a sale price of $24,300 pk #5) so for me it is a sizable difference. Sales tax is ridiculous in Southern California but I love my 09 so far. I would have bought it even without the tax credit.
long gone for Toyotas/Lexuses They ran out LONG ago for Toyota/Lexus hybrids but are still available for most other manufacturers except for Honda. See New Energy Tax Credit for Hybrids. Too bad the OP doesn't live in a CARB state. I mentioned at that there are screaming deals on Altima Hybrids due to the $3250 incentive + $2350 Federal tax credit.
Re: long gone for Toyotas/Lexuses Tell me about it. We live in one of a dozen or so counties in the entire state of Texas that requires emissions testing when we get inspections done. We have over 200 counties in Texas.
This phase out of the tax credit after a manufacturer reaches a certain (arbitrary) sales volume seems ridiculous. Why should the government care if Toyota, Honda, Ford or anyone else produced the hybrid? After all, isn't the purpose of the credit a spur to get more hybrid cars on the road? Why then should I be penalized for buying the hybrid vehicle that I think is the best of the lot? Has anyone written to their federal representative or is there an organized petition for this purpose?