The video looks like something a student had made with their pirated software or something... [ame=]YouTube - Moscow halo mystery,Bizarre UFO spotted in Russia[/ame] Quite unlike the one from last year... You know, the one where they landed...
Maybe it's a target for a solar plasma ball? Sun's Plasma Balls Could Wipe Out Human Civilization - Technology is the Achilles Heel
Now that's REALLY cool! I'd love to see something like that. Probably a weather-induced solar reflection, but I'd like to know what kind of cloud formation would cause that. If more start to show up, it might be a sign of a new type of weather pattern. Or it just might be government experiements...
I am trying not to bend to their will... but, ya gots ta admit there is a lot of the gods stuff there a happening... You saw the ring in the sky... didn't you... That HAS got ta be something from out of this world... Or or, it's a giant... smoking something... and blowing smoke rings... on the tracks to that Ruskieville town like IRONMAN WOULD DO... Or or... maybe ahhh, maybe ahhhhhhhhhhh... Or maybe a real good carbide cannon... It couldn't be a sign from... the... the one... right... Like... you don't hope and think the creator made the circle in the sky... do you Sis...
Why worry about it? If the CME is bad enough, its over almost instantly, ditto for a gamma ray pulse of extrasolar origin If you REALLY want to worry about something, imagine that due to climate change, there is no more beer <shiver> Oh, I just won't be able to sleep at all tonight ....
There'll always be beer. The Egyptians had beer before the dawn of civilization. There may not be medicines or automobiles or dirty magazines, but there will always be beer.
I never even thought of there being no more skin mags. I'm going to need medication to get through this ....
So, beer makes you sleepy? :tea: :bored: There's always internet porn. Oh, right, after the end of civilization as we know it, there won't be any power. I guess you'll just have to surf the web in the dark...