Today (10/15/2009) our local morning news show had a brief report on Electric, Plug-Ins and Hybrid behicles, stating, "hybrids to Get Noisier". The jist of the 30 second story was: Recently Hybrid manufacturers have been concerned about pedestrians walking into the path of a quiet Hybrid, so they are considering adding Hollywood style "Sound Effects" to those cars. This will be done by speakers mounted in the cars, and those sound effects may even be user selectable! The above paragraph is the story to the best of my recollection, but it VERY closely reiterates its meaning. David (aka Blind Guy)
Wonderful!! So I could program the car to say "Watch where you're going, you moron!" whenever I put it in reverse? Much better than a "beep, beep, beep!"
Sounds like an important issue that the Congress should get involved with immediately. And probably use new tax funding to form a huge Government Department: Stop The Unexpected Plaguing Idiot Drivers
i passed a new jaquar JXC ( or what is that new model called ) anyway. i did not hear it starting and i did not expect it to drive away.. so i almost walked in front of it. and thats not a hybrid or a fuel eff. car at all. so this is not something specifiec for hybrid or electric cars brands want to make cars that make less noise and that was never a problem but now with hybrids it is? come on.. just make people aware thy need to watchout where thy are walking.
* Dr. Fusco, that was on KY3 (NBC) this morning, they repeated the story 2-3 times in their 2 hour Telecast, it was aired at 5:??am, 5:3?am and possibly again at 6:??am. Let me know if there's anything you'd like us to do. David (aka Blind Guy)
Bell the hybrid: Here's a novel idea ... NO legislation until congress gets their head out of their who-haws ... and takes care of health care ... afganistan, iraq, & pork barrel spending. No? just laws on making hybrids noisier? Of course. It was just a thought ... sorry for the fhop theme .