wow. I must say, Toyota of Glendora's service dept is slow. Borderline "mysterious." I have been without my sound system over a month and no one seems to know where my "ordered" parts are, "what" parts they are or what exactly the problem is with my prius. Needless to say, nothing has been fixed thus far and a lot of empty promises have been made. Jeez!
Sorry to hear about all your problems, seneros. I have never had that problem come thru here. And there are no TSB's on any Audio concerns. As for the dealer ordering the "entire system", I would say maybe they didn't know what was causing it either. Sometimes you just have to try different parts to find the cause. DanMan32 maybe right in that it is the amp. And it should be easy to change. As for the head unit,it is not hard either. They won't have to take the whole dash out, :lol: .The amount of time is strange to get the parts, but maybe they are coming from Japan or a supplier? It is not the service dept fault, blame the part department. Wonder if the tech called Toyota Technical yet and asked them? :roll: .
I thought you did pretty much have to take the whole dash out to get to the whole head unit, because to get to the left center vent that covers the screws, you have to take out many panels on the driver side. It's not like adding XM, where you only need to wedge your way in from the right to plug into the Aux port. At least the top of the dash doesn't have to come out.
Yes DanMan32 you have to take out panels to get it out. But at least the "whole dash" doesn't have to come out, :lol: . And it is not that hard to take apart.
no outcome, in fact, it got worse. the other day, i almost got in an accident. now mind you, the radio is OFF and has been since the whole problem started, but I still get the clicking noise (i was worried about it kicking back in super-loud or something) but i was driving, and this INSANELY loud "beeping-whir" sound came from inside my car (I thought, ahh, the aliens are finally here) and it was enough for me to cover my ears and of course the car swerved... I had just about enough and I drove down to toyota... no one knew anything about me being there previously. I asked them to get the hard copy of the work that was done almost two months ago... it says "special parts ordered" but the guy still couldn't tell me what was ordered, when it was coming or where it was. his only suggestion was to bring the car in, have them look at it and then they would order the parts again--- that to me was unacceptable. I am absolutely furious at this point and just want it fixed... but now my anger is coupled by the fear that my radio is going to get me in an accident...
[font=Comic Sans MS:40fe7105e8]Methinks it time to call Toyota USA... And find a different dealer.[/font:40fe7105e8]
Uh, look under passenger seat, see a box with connectors on it. Pull connectors off. While you're at it, unbolt the thing, take it to the dealer and say 'get me a new one of these, and $100 for doing your work!'
thanks for the tip, i find something new in my prius everyday! well i unplugged the amp and sure enough the clicking pop was gone, but i took it into toyota (i am back at square one now... they're gonna look at it, try to figure out whats wrong and order the parts--- AGAIN.) and they had me plug it back up. i guess i wish i knew how to do that way back when instead of going insane with the sound all this time hopefully they'll have some good news for new this time-- and this time i'll make sure the guy doesn't just shrug me off when i ask him what they found out and what they ordered... by the way danman, i don't post here much but i do read a lot and you have an answer in practically every post ive read. thanks for helping the community.
yes, dan rocks. i do believe he is the one that said the symptoms were likely from the amp-- and toyota said they are replacing the amp (too bad you didnt get to work on it, it would have been done by now!) now, and to call back in about a week if they haven't contacted me and it should be in. NOW... how exactly does an amp go out on a 6 month old car? even if i was listening to my music way too loud, wouldn't the amp be able to carry the load better than my speakers? i mean, i would expect my speakers to go long before my amp would... hm. thanks again, thom
Sometimes electronics do go bad. Cars are extremely tough terrain, with the heat, cold, and vibrations. Better the amp go than one of the drivetrain ECUs though.