Since I'm a great fan of taking naps when I can, the other day, instead of waiting in traffic, I found a good parking lot, and went to sleep. I got in the passenger side, dropped the seat all the way back, and was pretty surprised how comfortably I could sleep. I'm 6'0", 200lbs, so I'm a pretty big guy, and not only could I sleep comfortably, I could turn on my side and be relatively comfortable as well. She just keeps on surprising me! Given, let's find out, who has slept in their Prius? :mrgreen:
While I haven't slept in my Prius, at least two other people have (at the same time). I'm in a vanpool, and there have been two times already where problems with a van have led to riders (me) driving carpooling instead of vanpooling. On two occasions, I've had folks sleep to and from work, in the backseat of the Prius. One of my coworkers will gladly testify to the comfort of the back seat of the Prius. He completely zonks out until we get to the Park and Ride.
Yes, I have sleep in my Prius for three nights. I was attending a antique car meet in Dallas this past spring and I only had the car 3 weeks. I just moved the front seats forward and folded down the back seats and put down the sleeping bag. I did find I needed to put my head to the rear of the car and let my feet hang off the edge of the seats. I am 6' 3" tall and like to spread out. Good part, you have a sky light over you head, Bad part, don't raise up fast and bump your head on the glass. For three night it wasn't to bad.
I slept in the car once when I pulled an all nighter. I had a 2 hour lunch break so into the Prius I go! folded the back seats, reclined the front and voilà. wdfoto's right. The "skylight" is kinda cool.
Last spring I was "volunteered" to work security at an auction. My shift was 12am to 8 that's going to happen. I just parked my Prius at the entrance and listened to music for a few hours, and then after that I just fell asleep in my seat. I admit it wasn't very comfortable sleeping in the seat (I'm 6'5"). I think I would have dropped the rear seats, but I was with someone may have been a little weird. Next time I sleep in the Prius, I'll put the rear seats down...
I often take Ferries in BC, Canada. On a number of occations I've had mini naps in the car. I've done this 2 ways. One being the passenger seat all the way forward, with seat back all the way down. This FITS like an engineer designed it this way. It's not very flat (as you can not really sleep on your front), but is fairly comfortable when you are so exhausted (like getting up at 4:30am to drive) you could sleep anywhere. The other thing I've done is to move the passenger seat all the way forward with seat back forward as well. Then with some cushions (rolled sleeping bag and pillow) placed behind the passenger seat (almost flat). This allows a bit more comfort for rollowing around. Not as comfortable as the old 4runner. It sure would be nice if someone came up with a mini camp shell for the Prius. You'd only need a couple of feet out the back to be comfortabel. Gw
I sleep in my 02 Prius overnight when I'm hunting. Usually I pull out the center console, recline both seats, and stuff a rolled up foam pad in the gap between them. I usually turn off the info screen, and the dash lights. I leave it running for warmth and power, as I use a CPAP. It's very comfortable with a light sleeping bag, even in subzero weather. I'm 6 foot and over 200 pounds.
I've curled up in the back with the folded down rear seats. Used an inflateable sleeping pad (about 2 inches thick) and a sleeping bag. Fit me and our blind pug just fine! I'm 5' 9" and he's, well, he had no problems...he found the right rear "cubby" to his liking. Was the first campout (albeit indoors) of the year. What a versatile car. If only a built in camp stove and latrine could be added.
long road trip, took a short nap at a rest stop for an hour or two. Certainly the most comfortable car I've slept in, but still not as comfortable as a nice bed. -m.
I get an hour for lunch every day. About twice a week I sooze. I just move the driver seat back as far as it will go...lay the seat back...I keep a cute little pillow in my car...kick on the air...turn down Hi99...set my cell phone alarm and .................SWEET DREAMS!
Gee, I envy the five. My wife long ago told me "I'm married, I have a bed"... However, she did have this 65 Mustang in the dim mists of the long ago past and it had this sloppy, worn manual transmission...the car would more than rock, it would actually roll back and forth a couple of inches with the engine off and first gear holding it on level ground. Gave a new meaning to "bump and grind"...
I've slept in the driver's seat reclined either for naps or while camping out for parks and rec. provided swim lessons here in Surprise. People actually waited from 8pm the night before in line to get their kids into swim lessons. We got there at 1-2am, and there were about 50 before us. By the time they opened at 7-8am, there were 250+ people behind us as well. Anyway, the passenger side ends up being a bit more confortable for a side sleeper if you don't fold the seats down as the wheel doesn't get in the way. I'm only 5'4" though, so size isn't as much of a factor.
I have not slept in my Prius (yet?). The only time I have slept in a car was in my '87 Integra back in the mid 90's in New York City (near the NYU Police Station), when my arrangements to crash at a friend's apartment fell through at the last moment. However, at the risk of sounding like a braggard, I did just manage to get a hummer in my Prius, which also led to other things (also in the Prius), and I will vouch for the fact that the back seat, with the front seats moved all the way forward, is very spacious and well suited for such...ehrm...purposes. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: