Hey gang, My first post. I put a deposit down on a Prius. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! My current lease ends in January, so I'm gonna have to, but it's gonna be hard. People ask me why I'm getting a Prius since I now drive a BMW 335 Coupe. I'll tell you why... you can't go fast anymore in this country. I live in VA, land of the speedtrap. If I can't drive the way I want, I might as well get hella gas mileage and great technology. Can't wait to join the Prius bandwagon. My question is this... I am still up in the air about whether to get a IV or a V. I've searched the forums but haven't found much about the following questions: 1 - Do the 17" wheels on the V make that much of a difference in terms of handling and body-roll? I ask because I haven't test-driven a V. I've test driven the Prius three times. Twice was a IV and once was a III. No one has had a V on the lot! All I know is that the 16" wheels, there is a lot of body-roll around turns (granted, I am coming off a BMW). 2 - Are the LED headlights on the V as cool as the dealer made them out to be? He said that they are better/brighter than HID/Xenon. Are they? And I can't believe there is no auto-on feature. Is there at least a feature that automatically turns them off if you leave them on and leave the car? any input would be appreciated. thanks!
Link to comparison thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/members...ting-reference-picture1526-led-headlights.jpg http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...off-photos-fog-lamp-off-comparison-photo.html And a picture showing the 2 projector beams and the floodlight above it.
I don't know that they are brighter than the HID's but since they are not available as an option doesn't matter (unless you go aftermarket). They are way cooler than the base lights. Yes you can just leave them on all the time and the go off when the car is stopped, but the feature that some cars have that automatically turns them on when it is dark is not available. If you've been in a 3 series I think you'll be a lot happier with a V.
Especially if he steps into a V with the advanced technology package... Probably end up quite a bit happier.
TalkingMuffin, I recently installed a set of 17" alloy wheels and 215/45x17 tires on my Prius with Technology package (Canadian full load version) and I am totally impressed with the road holding/handling improvement it has made. I also drive a C55AMG, C350 Sports and a modified 09 Honda Fit Sports; so like you I do enjoy improved handing/steering response. You feel less of the body roll that you get with the OEM 15" wheels/tires. As others have pointed out, you will be happier with a Prius V with the advanced technology package. Get all the features you can afford and you won't regret it. Good luck.
omg a talking muffin! (Sorry, I had to!!) If you're coming from a BMW, I'd get the V. It'll get you the better handling, quicker steering and LED headlights that you (perhaps) have had on the BMW. No, the V will not handle like your 335i coupé but it will be the best handling Prius. The LEDs will use a lot less power and don't have the negativities of HIDs such as warm up time and flicking them on/off repeatedly will not shorten the life significantly like it would if you did that with HIDs. There is an AUTO OFF function that's timed delayed. (30sec). It's customisable.
To: TalkingMuffin: I have the V and am loving it. I am so glad I did not get the other Models...and the V came in...it was a done deal once I got it. As for the questions....about tires and headlights: I love the 17" wheels...I am getting 54.7 MPG right now with them in the cooler weather here, so that's quite decent. As for the LED Headlights...way cool, love em, can finally see the road at night since I work 2nd shift. They are maybe not as Long Distance as some HID's but I am not complaining one bit! Those stripes on the Utility Barrels for road construction.....light up like bright NEON when they hit them! I love the Radar Cruise, and the Tech Package and Nav and pairing with my cell was a breeze and I don't have half the issues reported on that subject so maybe it's because my employer get's us KWAPPY phones??? The V is the only one with 17" Wheels....and there are no "covers". The Water Repellant front Window Glass on Driver/Passgenger Door is a nice feature too. The Floor lighting is another cool treat!
I think the III and IV have 15 inch wheels actually.. I noticed the Prius is actually kinda taller than most cars around, which is good in a way because i can see above smaller cars, but i would have to think that would contribute to any body rolls.
Man... thanks to EVERYONE who chimed in. Tideland, Blind Guy for the extra-long posts... just a couple things... what I liked about the BMW was the driving dynamics. Not the luxury features. In fact, I didn't opt for most of them. And I am pretty certain that I don't want to pay for the AT package in the Prius. I just don't think that LKA, active CC, and self-park are worth thousands of dollars. I don't have them on the BMW I currently drive, and I don't think I need them now. It seems that the 17" rims clearly offer an advantage. I love moonroof's and all, but I'd MUCH rather have a more capable car than a window in the ceiling. The solar package blowing wind thru the cabin doesn't strike me as necessary either. I appreciate it, guys. I am going to call the dealership tomorrow and specify the V. I'm thinkin Black with light grey interior. It's gonna be a long three months!!!!
On Toyota.com site, do a search for Toyota dealers that rent cars. Call around for a dealer that rents a Prius V. I rented a V last week for $54.99 for the day. An all day drive will tell you what you want to know. Good luck!
I am not so familiar with the roads back east ... but I am in the west. What do you mean that you can't go fast anymore? Out here we have some 80 MPH limits (and in some places) no limits. (Actually, the no limit is called a "reasonable and prudent" limit in daytime driving.) I have cruised my 2010 V for many, many miles at 80+ MPH and 90 MPH is effortless. I tested a 2010 with the 15" and one with the 17". No contest here ... take the 17's. They are great. Turn on your lights and never touch the switch again. I also leave the fog lights on all the time ... they switch off when the high beams go on. My 2010 V is my second Prius and it is WAAAAY better than my 2008 was. And the 2008 was a great car. You'll love it.
Probably referring to the numerous 25 and 45 and 45 speed limits, the speed traps (or local govenrmental revenue opportunities) and if you drive through DC and your radar detector goes off and there are no cops around, expect to get a letter in the mail with your cars picture and a bill for $50
Interesting, I went from a 3 series sedan to my Prius V with ATP (in Black too!). I dont look back for a second. I loved my BMW, but I love my Prius in a different way. I drive much slower, safer, and more efficiently that I ever did before, and enjoy squeezing every mpg out that I can (and fuel efficiency wasnt even a major driver [pun intended] in my decision...it was the technology). I will say that the radar cruise is worth its weight alone. Plus, the way I looked at it, I'll have the car for a pretty long time, so it was worth it for me to invest the money upfront to get the nice features, but also the features that will increase the resale value later on (not many PV with ATP are being made).
Love the wheels , they look like M3 I have on our BMW WHere did you get them, what rubber did you get
Thanks for the compliment Airbalancer. Got the wheels and tires from Tire Rack (Gus @ Local #681 or email him at [email protected]). The wheels are 17x7.5 Enkei Racing GTCO1 HB and 215/45R-17 Continental ExtremeContact DWS XL all-season tires.
Same as several others I went from a BMW to a Prius V and I am very happy with drivability and handling of the Prius. I would recommend a Prius V because of better handling and quicker steering. The ATP option is worth while for me because of the radar cruise control, the lane keeping assistant is also good to have. First time you drive your new Prius at night you may find the headlights are aimed way to low, some of us have. Do not dispare they are easy to adjust and if the dealer can't get them right you can do it yourself as I did. I think the main advantage to the LED headights is that they use less power and the bulbs should last the life of the car (we hope). I don't really think they show the road any better than the halogens on other Prius versions and probably not quite as good as the zenons on my BMW. Airbalancer, good choice on the wheels they look great!
The couple of times I have drove the car I thought the same thing, light beam was low, I though I was crazy Hard to better zenons The wheels are not mine, they are Benggolf's we have the same colour car . But they sure do rock:rockon: