Guessing that a majority of Prius owners are concerned for our planet, perhaps we, more than most, should speak up when business lobbies line up to fight legislation sponsoring clean energy. The most powerful anti-climate lobby is the US Chamber of Commerce. A powerful -- but allegedly pro-environment -- member is Toyota. Apple has withdrawn in protest already. It can help focus Toyota's attention if customers call to protest their participation in anti-environmental lobbying -- 1-800-331-4331, option#4. is leading the campaign, but since this issue should not be a political one, I append their relevant communique below: <The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is spending millions lobbying against clean energy.1 That's why companies like Apple are dropping out in protest.2 MoveOn members are calling on Toyota to join the movement and quit the Chamber. Toyota just launched one of their biggest ad campaigns ever to boost their green image.3 So you'd think they wouldn't want to fund the Chamber's anti-climate lobbying at the same time, right? Yesterday, Toyota responded to our calls. Basically, they said: Sorry, just because we give money to anti-environment lobbyists doesn't mean we're not green. We're staying.4 That doesn't cut it. There's just too much at stake. Can you call today and ask Toyota to quit the Chamber of Commerce? If you called last week, call again. Tell them you're disappointed by their statement and want them to reconsider. Here's the number: Toyota 1-800-331-4331, press 4 If the line is busy or there's no answer, call your local Toyota dealer. Then let us know you called by clicking here: The Chamber of Commerce is one of the most powerful right-wing lobbying groups in Washington. They oppose virtually everything in the Obama agenda—health care, bank reform, helping homeowners. And they've launched a massive $100 million campaign to kill the President's priority bills.5 But the Chamber wouldn't have so much money and influence if they weren't funded by big companies like Toyota. We know Toyota wants consumers to think they're a green company. Frankly, it helps sales. And if they catch enough heat from consumers, they'll have to drop out. We need to respond to their statement right away to keep the pressure on. Can you call today? Here again is the number: Toyota 1-800-331-4331, press 4 If the line is busy or there's no answer, call your local Toyota dealer. Then let us know you called by clicking here: Thanks for your help. –Steven, Joan, Noah, Kat, and the rest of the team Sources: 1. "Defiant Chamber Chief Says 'Bring 'Em On,'" The New York Times, October 8, 2009 Defiant Chamber Chief Says ‘Bring ’Em On’ - Green Inc. Blog - 2. "Apple quits U.S. Chamber of Commerce over global warming views," San Jose Mercury News, October 5, 2009 Apple quits U.S. Chamber of Commerce over global warming views - San Jose Mercury News 3. "Green Toyota Ads Launch in a Hostile Environment," Brandweek, November 5, 2007 "Why Toyota?" Natural Resources Defense Council, November 7, 2009 Switchboard, from NRDC :: Deron Lovaas's Blog :: Why, Toyota? 4. "Toyota: Our Association with the Chamber of Commerce Does Not Mean We Agree With Their Policies," EnviroKnow, October 13, 2009 Toyota: Our Association with the Chamber of Commerce Does Not Mean We Agree With Their Policies :EnviroKnow 5. "Chamber defends free-market system," Politico, June 10, 2009 Chamber defends free-market system - Jeanne Cummings - >
Seems to be a theme today. We've got one poster who can't see how a topic about energy conservation would be relevant and another who sees opposing the anti-clean energy types as inappropriate for an environmental forum. Before long all that will be left to discuss is jayman's sheep!
I guess this is covering the same ground but I started this one in 'news': Also I just called Toyota and used option #4. They now hve a rather long explanation and are no longer taking comments on the issue.
it would be much harder for toyota to quit than apple, simply because cars have significantly larger footprint than a computer maker. witness the large trucks that toyota continues to sell like the land cruiser (which btw, is my dream vehicle and will probably buy sometime in future), and even a prius makes much larger impact than a small laptop.
What you see as two-faced Toyota sees as just doing business. Actually it is a pretty standard practice to play both sides of the street. Almost all major corporations donate to both the Republicans and Democrats in every election.