Here's a weird one that I searched for in the forums but could find nothing on. I parked the car, switched it off, and remained inside with the key, reading a book. After awhile I noticed a buzzing sound (kinda like a faroff lawnmower), followed by a soft whine. This repeats itself maybe every 30 sec to 1 minute. I went outside and the sound can be heard if you place your ear next to the vents near the front windshield (although from outside you can't seem to hear the small whine following). Has anyone else noticed this? What is it? The battery?
I checked on the car again after 30 minutes leaving it alone, and this time no sounds as far as I can see. I'll do more tests. For example, leave the car alone until no sounds heard, then come back and stand close with the key.
It is normal for the car to make some sounds for a while after powering off. Various cooling fans, etc., are hard at work even after you stop. Plus, I noticed your package says you have the solar roof option (which I don't have), so it could be that kicking in and doing its job.
I'd say it's your interior fan (solar cooling) doing it's little thing. We've noticed it on the one we had in stock, if left sitting in the yard and unlocked, the fan will go through a cycle. Open the door and sit in the car. You'll hear it start off with a light electrical buzz, followed by sound of interior fan motor, then cuts out. Repeats cycle every 30 seconds or so. Next time you are in the same scenario, and you hear it, try pressing off your solar switch. It should stop immediately.
LMAO! That's a good one. By the way asj2009, do you have the solar panel on your Prius? The sound you are hearing could be the fan which brings in cooler outside air, ventilating the cabin close to the ambient outside temperature (OAT).
Have to might be this: Automotive Advice - Auto Repair Questions and Answers: Toyota Prius Hybrid Brake Noise 2004-07
About the solar...yes, I have the solar roof package...might be that, i'll have to test tomorrow...but it was fairly cold outside so i'm not sure that would be triggered...i'll test anyways. Anyone know where that fan is actually physically located?
It's not the brake hydraulics. They make a much louder and shorter duration noise. It's either the solar powered fan or the evap. emission system venting. Often the valves in those systems will vibrate quietly. Pearl has done that for me, causing me to "hunt down" the cause. When I found it I just thought "Oh". Note that if you stay with the car for hours on end it will continue to make odd noises, as various systems prepare for the next start (If your FOB is in range) or prepare for a long nap.
I think all the sounds are the normal hybrid sounds defined. I turn off my car and am not in FOB range of my vehicle, but will hear a few sounds about 30-50 seconds after the car is exited from the rear hatch area. I suspect this is something with the battery. I also hear a brake actuator pump when I open the door handle to get in at startup. There are several noises, click sounds, and's all part of the normal operation of the Hybrid Components if I recall correctly. The car is running quite well and only 1300 miles now and no issues that I can see with it. So I am just getting used to the "sounds" I rather call them....but I don't think you have anything to fear from them...
Mine ( 2010 II ) makes all sorts of noises, buzzes, whirring sounds, while parked, running, off, while opening the door, after closing the door, and some of the noises "particular to a hybrid" as demonstrated on a DVD I received when I purchased it. Some noises sound a little like C3PO's servos when he moves or walks!
Yup, and it's smarter than I, and probably you too. -Normal- events are "why doesn't the car go (or stop, or be quiet, or whatever)? Oh, because it's my mistake to try to do (whatever it was I was trying to do).
It's the solar vent..after each buzzing, cool air comes from the front air vents.
Remember you are actually driving a computer on wheels!! It takes a while to get use to things like the noises, brakes, easy steering, short and infrequent stops at the gas station. Then all of a sudden you will not hardly remember a time when you did not drive a Prius :cheer2:
LOL "Sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I cannot stop accelerating right now: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it."