I use eco mode 99% of the time. I've only needed pwr mode in certain traffic situations while driving in DC.
In hopes of diverting this Thread and possibly preventing it from degenerating into a debate over ECO, Normal or PWR Modes, I'm going to refer to the original question about how to leave from a stop. Since I'm NO authority on Hyper-Mileing, I'm (we're) definately NOT Hyper-Milers, I don't profess to know much about how to attain maximum mileage, however, I have spent time and taken some lessons from Dr. Even Fusco, a noted Hyper-Miler and PC administrator, with approaching 18,000 posts. In riding with him and taking note of some of his techniques, he taught us that leaving from a stop, it is NOT necessary to crawl away from rest, nor is it advantageous to lead foot it away from a light, a BRISK start is EXACTLY what's necessary to increase mileage. Dr. Fusco showed us on his CAN View (a VERY special version of something like a Scan Guage) best milage is when the engine can be kept in around the 1450 RPM range. When he drove our car, though RPM readouts were NOT available, he felt that keeping it in the ECO area of the HSI was VERY VERY close to that 1450 RPM engine speed that is ideal. Dr. Fusco demonstrated that accelerations from rest needent be clumsly slow, nor did they require jack rabbit starts to attain the best mileage results, rather, BRISK starts from a stop were preferrable. My wife and I were both amazed at how quickly he left from a stop, NOTHING like we expected from a hyper Hyper-Miler! The good Dr. also explained that the best mileage is obtained when the cars RPM can be kept relatively constant in that 1450 RPM range, the starts are virtually insignificant because their duration is so short compared to the length of time the vehicle is in the driving mode. I took this to mean, pay attention to the driving, and not so much to the starting! David (aka Blind guy)
There's one more option to consider. I put the car in EV mode at almost every stop light and then try to accelerate gently enough to keep it from kicking me out until it reaches 25mph.
You're kidding with us right? Unless your driving is solely in a 65+ gated community with a 25MPH speed limit. If on regular roads, you must receive a whole lot of "you're number One" gestures. So you're one of those Prius owners that give US a bad name????
You must appreciate the fact that when you move away from rest in the EV (Electric Vehicle) mode, you are depleteing energy stored in the Hybrid Battery, that energy MUST be replaced, that is the job of either the regenerative brakeing or the gasoline engine. The use of the regenerative brakeing is somewhat FREE, the engine, however, IS NOT! The energy replacement is primarily recovered when the engine is running and thus fuel is being consumed, and this is not conducive to improved mileage. So every time you use the EV button, that half mile you gain that is not using fuel, that energy must be generated to replace what was just used, and, unless you live in VERY hilly area where regeneration comes from Regenerative Brakeing and that energy can replace that which was just expended, it will have to be regenerated by your engine...and that takes FUEL...and that hurts mileage! GO EASY on the EV button! David (aka Blind Guy)
I've found eco mode to be too weak when you need strong starts. If no one's around I use eco mode and slowly accelerate. If there are bunches of cars around and i don't want to hold up people behind, I use power mode and i'm really surprised by the kick in that thing. i almost immediately zoom away from the car behind me.
From green, I typically go all the way up on the on the throttle...just before it hits red. I'll keep it there until I reach my desired cruising speed then, if I'm thinking about it, i'll do some P&G. On the freeway, I still get better mpgs in stop and go traffic...which makes me laugh just about every time...but have worked out a decent P&G routine that allows me to get ~55 @ 65-75mph.
I run in ECO mode all the time. I try my best to accelerate up to 15-20 mph on the battery then gently light the engine off. I live in a very hilly area and so I can easily recoup my battery energy up on the next hill I go down with the regenerative braking.
Not a 2010' er, but When light turns green, I ease it forward on battery, then let the ICE join in. I suppose I could be a real jerk and try for all battery up to 40 mph, but would likely be run over sooner or later. Oh, and my MFD is reading 54.2 MPG average with 1/2 tank to go, so things are going well on the FE front.
I drive the conditions and traffic. In particular, I like to check the intersection even when entering. Too often, I've seen folks who for one reason or another failed to stop and I don't volunteer to drive into an accident when I would be one of the vehicles involved. Better to let the nut case 'win' than have a 'tie' and a collision. Bob Wilson
I drive in ECO mode all the time and if nobody is behind me, I'll leave a green light and accelerate up to speed 80%-90% into the ECO range and not going into the RED zone. However, if there is traffic behind me, I always go into the RED to keep up with traffic and maintain "normal" acceleration. I am well aware of the fact that the Prius is very much a hated car here in SE Michigan and don't want to give anyone another reason to hate the Prius by crawling away from lights. I love to see the MPG increase each tenth of a point but will not attract single finger salutes to do it.
NOT a gen III, but i dont creep away from lights. I am not afraid to accelerate, but lift off asap. This also doesn't mean wide open throttle, but i do get going. My overall MPG = 44, that's with touring rims and tires.
I have only a lowly Gen II but for what it's worth I smack that sucker (accelerator pedal) to the floor when ever I can, get to speed quickly and then lift off and try to glide. 4.3L/100km is good enough for me. Maybe if I drive like an old m*le I could maybe squeeze out 4.2L/100km but is it really worth it? A reduction of 0.1L/100km would reduce my annual fuel consumption by about 30 litres or less than 1 tank. That is, the way I drive now I use 1290 litres a year, if I drive slow, annoy everyone else and cause traffic delays resulting in other motorists using more fuel, I would use only 1260 litres per year. Is it really worth it? Nup!
I've been driving for a week with Eco mode on 99% of the time. My MPG has gone up but I do need to switch out when getting on highways and up hill in NJ.. otherwise I get flipped birds and honked at a whole lot
Why switch out of eco mode? Just floor the thing, maximum power is the same in all modes. Full throttle is full throttle.
In Eco mode I feel the car lag even when I floor it.. I'd rather take it out of Eco and slightly hit the pedal to get that extra oomf.. Makes me feel more comfortable
That's fine, I just would have though pushing the pedal harder would get the same result with a less complex procedure.
I usually use enough throttle to stay just below the red Power indicator (ECO indicator on) on the display when starting from a light. That gives me just enough power to avoid being a "slug". I have found that the ECO mode is too "stiff" feeling; the POWER mode too "jumpy" for normal driving, so I don't use either. I turn them both off; driving in "Normal" mode is more like my Gen II Prius.