You can't spend the rest of your life feeling guilty for stuff that you never even did, just because your ex accused you of it. It is just not a good use of your time and your wonderful doofus-free life as a single person. What use is it to get rid of the ex if you let his niggling little voice whisper in your ear?:cheer2:
No offense taken, I did not find it offensing plus I do not offend easily. I do agree we are a rare exception to the rule. I think in our case it helps because both of us were young and it was just a form of communication for us and neither of us were actually even seeking a relationship it just sort of happened.
It comes from being female. Most women have an amazing capacity for guilt. Most women want everyone to be happy. Anything you do for yourself might make someone else less happy, and the guilt starts... Give yourself a hug for me. Whoops, sorry, I didn't mean to put my hand that low. Anyway, give yourself a hug. You deserve that Prius. Tom
So true. Clearly I still have a lot of work to do around getting over those awful little messages. I will never be completely free of this man and his negative messages because I have kids so, I HAVE to learn to let them roll off my back instead of internalizing them. Uggg... there is a ring of truth to this too. I hate to admit that I worry what others think but I do! I want everyone to be happy and if I think I'm in the way of them having that... HEY! Watch it buster, that's where I store my chew can.
:fear: :bolt: Somehow... the picture I did have in my head has been corrupted and now all I can envision is a view where you're turning your head to the side and spitting a long brown line out to a small brass floor spittoon... I am personally devastated here, and will probably now have some dream where a horse-riding tobacco-spitting jeans-wearing school MILF tells me to watch where I put my hands... and yet... oddly, I'm not willing to look away...
Is it just me or did it just get warm in here . . . hmmm, I wonder what the wife is doing. :bolt::kiss:
Prius guys all over a tobacco chewing girl..... WHAT is the world coming too!! Is there a girls-who-chew-tobacco fetish?
Not even a cute female entomologist in a white lab coat and glasses using tobacco to treat honey bees for varroa mites?
You are the riddler, my dear. Seriously, I've never seen anyone change avatar this often. It's like you're having a PC identity crisis.