53 and loving my Prius 1V. Quick question-does anyone have experience in driving the Prius in the snow-how does it handle?
42, male, single I moved from a 2000 Toyota 4Runner limited with 305,000 miles tha I bought new. The Prius is two months old with 8,000 miles on it now. I hope to get 300,000 out of this Prius IV.
44 been wanting a Prius for, well only the day my wife and I bought it. Never considered one before, but with the number of miles I drive, my wife wanted me to have something that I didn't have to fill up every other day.
43 I've been through so many car, trucks, motorcycles that you would not believe the numbers if i told you. There is easily a 50+ year span from youngest to most senior owners and that says a lot of a product, especially a vehicle. Along with efficiciency and technology abound there is a unique array of features that appeal to each owner in varying degrees. I think I'll hang on to this one for a while!
I influenced my dad. He went from his muscle car to a Camry hybrid. Almost got a Prius but decided the Camry was more his style. I'll call it a victory, no matter what. My mom will probably get a Prius, especially after she saw how I survived my 2008 getting completely destroyed without any broken bones amongst the four passengers. My poor baby.
Me: 26 My Wife: 27 Prius: 2010 IV + SLR (our first new car purchase ever) PS... whomever tabulates this data needs to find the average as well as the standard deviation.
Have we heard from the op at all on this? I really would like to see this in a poll... *itchy trigger "post" finger* Peter, can't you use your super powers or something?
There's a gen 2 poll that gives very interesting numbers: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/7905-what-average-age-prius-owner.html Starting a gen 3 poll would also be useful.
My gf and I live together, she's 53 I'm almost 62, we both drive it, bought our '10 June 6th. Best car we've ever had!
I'm turning 57 next week. I've always wanted a Prius since they came out. I just got a 2010 in late September. It's an amazing car.