Yes. My dealership is very protective of themselves from a legal and financial standpoint and I bet I had to sign and initial in at least 50 places, and this is without any financing. I noticed on the contract with the pricing that the manager did not sign. I pushed the paper back toward him and said you need to sign here in a firm way, and he did, even though I could tell he was trying to skip his signing it. Some dealers can be very tricky!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think it matters because those who've ordered also sign a disclaimer that the quote is subjected to any applicable price increases.
You are correct. I just read all the fine print on my contract. It says the manufacturer can change the price at any time and the dealer reserves the right to change the cash delivered price. It also says that the additional terms and conditions (fine print) superceeds any prior agreement or understanding between the dealer and purchaser. So all the verbal statements they made to me about how I have a 1223A and the old price have no significance from the legal perspective of the contract. Now I just have to hope they will honor the old price since they said this is a done deal and had me purchase the plates and they reported the sales tax to the state electronically, which I suppose they can ammend. So it seems that they may have tricked me, unless they want to be honorable about it and stick with the price they promised verbally and wrote on the contract.
No, I think they are wrong. Check the MSRP on your car. If the base price is $400 higher than it is now, then it's price increased. If the sticker is the same, then you have nothing to worry about. It's not about the arrival at the dealership - it's about what hits PORT after the 18th.
Re: No, wrong! Don't add to the.....Price Increase Confusion I never sign that one. Why would anyone preemptively sign away their rights?
Dianne, Does the MSRP listed on the Vehicle Inquiry Report, and the Model Number being the old letter (1223A in my case) have any bearing on whether I get the old MSRP on the window sticker applied at the port of $22,000 even if my VIN arrives at the port after Oct 18?
Wow, I can't believe your dealer is essentially eating the cost of the price increase when your car is arriving after the 18th. You have a great idea in terms of tracking my car down, problem is, I've called 20 dealers and no one can get me the car in the color combo I want before the price increase and without paying a premium for it that is simply not worth it to me. I'd rather wait it out a little longer (I've only been waiting for a month now) and get the car I want and the price I want - minus the price increase I hope!!
The dealers are wrong in saying the price increase applies to when they get the car not when the car comes into port. I agree but it's also like they are holding my car hostage if I don't pay the increase (my car is suppose to come in on the 15th - two days yay!!) and yet I'm supposedly going to be charged the price increase. I'm going to try to wiggle my way out of it. We'll see how it goes!
I haven't get my car yet and my dealer told me my car arrive at the port on the 18th. Yesterday I asked my dealership to give me the vin number so I can get a quote from my current insurance company and today they email me the code. In the email, it also show me the MSRP, COLOR, Features and options. The MSRP showing for the Prius III is $23,805 including the delivery charge. I am going to pick up my car when it arrive from the port, so is that mean I am getting it for the $23,805 or it still can be different from what I see?
I think the dealer can give you the price now. They should be able to print the page with the price from their computer.