Within a week of having my Prius, someone stole the antenna off the top back. It unscrews nicely so there's no damage and the replacements are about $37. I'd like for the next person to try it to get a nice shock perhaps. I was thinking of crazy-gluing it in, but then they would either break it off or key my car in frustration... I really need a garage for this baby, especially in Brooklyn. Has anyone else had their antenna stolen? What do you do now to prevent it from happening again? I suppose I could take it off at night, but that's a pain, and I'll eventually strip the screw.
What did you expect? It's BROOKLYN!! I grew up there but now live on Long Island. My parents still live there but garage their cars. Another thing to watch out for is the theft of the HIDs (assuming you have that package). If I were you, I'd get a garage as fast as possible. It won't be long before that new antenna is gone again.
First off, I KNEW someone would say something to that effect, djasonw. LOL... but I live in a pretty decent area in any case. There are parts of Strong Island that are just as bad as some parts of Brooklyn, and that's no lie. Well, I'm just gonna put it in the trunk overnight from now on until I get a garage. I don't have the HIDs... so no prob there. It's not a very worthwhile thing to steal around here because: 1. It doesn't cost a lot. 2. There are NO Prii around here, so there can't be a large demand. Today while walking somewhere, I noticed that the Volkswagon Beetles use the same exact antenna. So my guess is that someone needed it, and just took it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hab\";p=\"99731)</div> HEY THERE! BROOKLYN RULES.... but not when u got ur antenna stolen. I live in Brooklyn too, which part of Brooklyn do u live at? I saw a blue Prius parked couple of blocks from where I live... I wonder if that's urs. Mine's a 05 Silver. Now that you mention about your antenna, I am more worry now. Since the first day, I just use my hand to unscrew the antenna, I was thinking... holy crap, someone can just come up and steal it. Now that it happened to someone live in Brooklyn too. damn... like u said, gotta find a garage for my Prii. Scott
I don't think's it's your Prius or Brooklyn. I had the antennae stolen off of my Saturn when it was about five years old. I supposed it could have been someone who needed it for their own car. But probably kids wanted a quick and handy "sword" to play with. It happens everywhere to any car. But if it keeps happening to you, then there's a problem. Either someone is out to get you specifically, or there's a new fad. I remember when stealing caddy and bmw hood ornaments was the big thing.
If, Heaven forbid, this happens again, you can get stub antennas off of eBay pretty cheap (under $10 + ship). Sucks, though...
So what ya'll are saying is "a tree does grow in Brooklyn" ok Im a wise @$$ but I could not resist, but I am sorry to hear od the theft
Hey Scott, I live in Bay Ridge, near the Verrazano bridge (guineau gang plank) . I saw a Silver Prius parked on 88th and Ridge. That's the only other Prius I've seen in Brooklyn. Where are you abouts? Hey Godiva... Agreed at this point. Probably someone just wanted/needed it and grabbed it. I'll still unscrew mine and keep in the cargo hold. -hab
Brooklyn isn't what it used to be when I was growing up. Bay Ridge now resembles Kabul and 86th Street in Bensonhurst now looked like Bejing. But hey... what's wrong with a melting pot? I hope you Brooklynites realize that BROOKLYN still rules!!!
Hey djasonw, Funny stuff... we've been calling parts of Bay Ridge "Bay Reut". In reality though, we're making our last stand on the waterfront property. All near the bridge is still like it was. I need to get out at some point though.. maybe Dix Hills.
Ahh yes.... hard to give up that beautiful view of the harbor. I REALLY miss the way Brooklyn used to be. I live in Massapequa which reminds me of Bensonhurst. Dix Hills is really nice too!!! We ought to have a Prius gathering for us NYers/Long Islanders.
Back in the early 60s, I lived in Greenwich Village and Brooklyn Heights. I remember being warned that if I was in a neighborhood and noticed the antennas had been broken off a number of cars to get the heck out since there was going to be a gang "rumble." The long antennae of the day made a wonderful whiplike weapon. Is the prius antenna stiff enough to use as a weapon?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hab\";p=\"99780)</div> hab, I live in Parkville. Like I mention b4, there's another Prius parked couple of blocks from me. And I saw another Prius at 7th Ave and 55th St about a week ago. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(djasonw\";p=\"99910)</div> djasonw, hey, that's what I really like to do. Let's get something started! Scott
Don't replace the antenna; get an XM radio. Antenna is much harder to steal. I got XM shortly after getting my 2005, and never used AM or FM again... Robert
I own way too much Sirius stock to justify buying an XM radio. Also, I like the way the antenna looks. Is there a solid Sirius installation for the Prius?
It's probably the same antenna screw assembly for the S2000s, Golf GTIs, Prius, etc etc. If so, lots of value to stealing one like them do with the emblems.
HAb, I live in Park Slope. I have a blue Prius '05. I also own Sirius stock. I am looking for a Sirius receiver now for Howard, and I have decided against the FactoryInteractive model since I can't use it outside of the car. What did youfinally decide on? Domenic dpframing
I can see this is a right bank thing. Nice place to visit but I like the laid back Left Bank thing. I have not had a suit on (other than weddings and funerals) in 25 years. I do like Broadway Shows, and a city I can get around with out a car!
I had my antenna stolen today at Cupertino California while my car was parked at my employer. I guess the economy really sucks and some people are getting down to this...I'm seriously pissed...I mean c'mon if you want do something go rob a bank or something...not unscrew the antenna off my little prius...Have a lot of people experienced this? Perhaps Toyota should just weld it in... Ok so I should get the DARWINIAN award...I had taken my car to the shop last week where they removed my antenna and put in my car. I just noticed it this morning lying on the floor in the passenger seat. Happy to say Cupertino California is still a safe place and the economy is doing ok now since it really wasn't stolen. ... Pretty funny though the shop in San Jose didn't tell me that they removed my antenna. Maybe they thought if its parked outside overnight it may get stolen...ha! ha! Anyways I'm pretty happy now... If it gets stolen then I'll go for the Sharkfin...Thanks Subarutoo for the advice... I hope people have a hilarious time reading my post... Cheers, Batman