i'm sure you've made sacrifices elsewhere. the well-off kids i went to grad school with couldn't afford a nice car like mine, were too busy stuffing their big new homes with big new furniture while not taking care of any of it. they marveled at how well i took care of my car... maybe because i actually paid for it. 'course, they also didn't understand why i rarely went out to lunches and dinners and happy hours and clubs with them. or why i wasn't accumulating major debt to maintain an unmaintainable lifestyle. to each their own.
Of course You deserve your Prius? Those of us that DID have to go to catholic school... understand about guilt... we were just saying...
Hi Octavia, So, several months from now when you're facing mid-terms or finals and you have pulled a week of all-nighters, you're still pulling your hair out because you don't get 'it' and then it comes to you. Go for a quick 30 minute mental health break by taking a short drive in your Prius to break your rut. You come back to the books and it all makes more sense; and you pass your test. Then you'll feel good about having the car you enjoy because it helps you get through grad school. Good luck with your studies and your chosen profession. Even if you are seeking a professional degree, which may be a bit more difficult, having the knowledge of the mental health break drive can be beneficial. --TK
Like you said, we all have priorities and we all like different things. Some prefer to spend it on vacations, some prefer to spend it on figurines, others on shopping and yet others on cars. Yes it's unfortunately that a car is probably one of the most visible things that other people can quickly judge on but we all buy what we like, right? I mean, in my office parking lot, there are only two cars that I can think of that are nicer than mine (One RX330, one S40). There's is a nice Tundra and a loaded Camry XLE V6. That's about it. None of those are the bosses cars so my Prius does kinda stand out.
I feel guilty for owning a new car while a student, can you imagine the guilt if I married someone for money? I'd turn into an multi-a-holic, eating disordered, neurotic, shell of a human being within days. I know! People make all kinds of judgements about others without all the information. I've just spent to much time around critical people and am gun shy now. Part of my plan! Great minds think a like. This is the first marriage proposal I've gotten because of my over-the-top cute dog although... I HAVE had men date me because of my kids. Who says being a single mom is a liability in the dating world? When you have fantastic kids like I do... it can actually backfire! Now the dog too..... When am I going to be loved for just me? There are a lot of nicer cars in my parking lot including a fist full of prii and two other 2010's. I did happen to pull along side one of the prii the other day and see that it was occupied by the director. She had a look of shock on her face when she saw me! Remember, I'm a full time volunteer right now, being paid a living stipend well under poverty level. People are shocked I can afford a mocha, not to mention a car.
I'd help you get over it. You'd be surprised how easy it is to overcome the feelings of guilt for having money. Of course, you wouldn't have to marry me for my money. You could marry me for my sunny disposition. You just gotta give one of us the chance.
Don't blame the dog. Turn your liabilities into assets. Use her as an excuse to get out more, a conversation starter, and a way to attract other people with dogs. It seems to be working for me...
Octavia you are quite a doll. Daniel wants a companion to travel to Thailand and a companion for life . Go for it. Hes a sweetheart.
At least you got out of it quicker - I stuck with him for 21 years, and put up with that b*****t all that time. What, we didn't have the same ex? could have fooled me! I also left with less than my fair share. What I had, however, was what I had left from the years of my life I'd put into that marriage. I went to college, got grants and scholarships, and did not feel guilty about them, because my 21-yr 'investment' had to see me through an indeterminate future. Spending it all in the first few years would have been dumb, even if it was for college. Your Prius is part of the 'earnings' of those years. Nothing to do with college. Besides, you have KIDS! you can't drive an unsafe vehicle, or not feed them, or not take care of their medical problems - your Prius is just one way that you invested your past life in a better future for you and them. And never, NEVER, settle for a man that doesn't value you!!! You deserve to be cherished! And, I met my DH online, and that has worked out fabulously
octavia, You deserve a Prius so so very much. You are the tower that represents all the Prius owners because you show anti-smugness. A label that was given to us by a cartoon without authority.
Thanks Rae Vynn. It's really hard to hear the "you're a terrible person" message over and over again. It was weird to finally realize that I was going to be hearing that no matter what I did, pretty freeing really. Thanks for the reminder on the cherish thing... that's one of those biggies for me!
Octavia, Divorced parents pay me a lot of money to represent them after they make bad decisions. If you are taking care of your kids, paying your bills, going to school, and the worst "mistake" you make is buying a fuel-efficient car that you can afford, you will have little need for the services I provide. Enjoy your kids, enjoy your car, and get that degree. Oh, yeah. Please don't accept marriage proposals from message boards Clients with relationships that began on the internet end up paying for my kids' tuition
I've known couples who met on the internet and are very happy, and appear perfectly suited to each other. Of course, they spent time getting to know each other in person before deciding to get married.
as crazy as it sounds my wife and I started dating back in May 2000 from running into each other online. We started by talking on the phone constantly for a while before we even met. After we met several months had passed and I knew she was the one. We were married in August of 2001 and have been miserable together ever since. (I really mean Happy )
No offense meant by me, morpheusx, but you are the exception to the rule. Because of my job, I have no more of an idea of what leads to a good relationship than anyone else, but I am an expert on what leads to a bad one. That does not mean I am not happy when I hear that someone has found happiness and bucked the trend. Continued happiness, and again, I did not mean to offend.