2010 Prius.. beep beep beep! It would only be fair to first state that I very much adore almost every other aspect of the 2010 Prius. But... I have never encountered a car with more pointless and irritating beeps in my life!! Grrrrrrrrrrr! The most frustrating thing of all, is that the beeps were intentionally DESIGNED. It's commom knowledge that on any new model, you can expect small unintended gliches resulting from something being overlooked in the design process.. But these pesky beeps cannot claim that excuse. Because of course, they weren't an oversight. Someone thought it to be beneficial to incorporate them. Well I'm sorry, but this is where I part ways. I'm posting this to state, that almost every beep in the 2010 Prius could be labeled somewhere between entirely unnessecary and maddening! Whats interesting is HOW? How can a company like Toyota, with the competence to create the '10 Prius- a paradigm shifting marvel of technological innovation, allow for such an ignoramous mistake!!! The only real sensible explanation IMO is that Toyota took on more than they could handle with the complete redesign of the 2010 Prius. Meaning that the design teams spread themselves too thin and focused mainly on the important aspects of the Prius, like safety, styling, performance ect.. And just didnt' have the recources to give adequate attention to some of the "less important" things, like beeps, locks, warnings ect.. What Toyota must realize is that being in the business of selling cars, you cant't let mistakes like these happen, especially when it's something as irritating as this.. Annoyances that must be tolerated day in and day out become a very important issue with consumers, as you can see.. And word of a problem like this can travel far and fast, thanks to forums like this one. And whats even more frustrating is that the beeps apparently ARE programable BUT MOST DEALERS REFUSE TO TURN THEM OFF!! They say Toyota has intructed them not to disable any beeps!! Here's the list of BEEPs *REVERSE BEEP ( continous ), *SEAT BELT BEEP, (continous and then increases tempo even if you stop and put in PARK!!) * Door has been shut, power on... 3 LOUD OUTSIDE BEEPs, *ACC on, any door open... CONTINOUS BEEPING. *Car on... 5 BEEPS. * Power on... 6 BEEPS *Using remote to unlock both driver and passenger door... 4 LOUD OUTSIDE BEEPS. * Wet car, key in pocket.. LOUD CONTINOUS OUTSIDE BEEP * Attempt to lock car power on.. COUNTINOUS LOUD OUTSIDE BEEP * Attempt to put car in Drive when not in start mode... CONTINOUS BEEP Am I missing any beeps? Please feel free to vent about your shared frustration. Also, anyone with knowledge of a dealer who HAS turned off beeps, (free of charge of course) Or any comments or opinions related this article and the various GEN 3 Prius BEEPs would be appreciated.. Thanks
That is one heck of a long rant when this topic has been covered on here many times. It's simple to get all the "beeps" turned off. Look in your manual, write down what you want changed and go to the dealer and get them changed. If the dealer is saying they won't do it, go to another one. It should take them less than 30 minutes to make any changes.
Agree with venom - that's a pretty lengthy rant, given that most (if not all) of this has been mentioned many times before. That said, some of these beeps I have not heard, and the only one that I really found annoying, was the reverse beeping. But as venom said, go to your dealer to have them turned off, or only beep once, or whatever the options are...most are changable. Many dealers will do it for free, but others with charge you for 1/2 of labor.
SUre a long lost of "Beep Complaints", but I have not experienced all of them to be honest. The "REVERSE BEEP" is one I think toyota should have made USER ADJUSTABLE. That one, by far is the most annoying and have had the majority of Rants on this site. As for the Seat Belt, Well since it's a law in NYS, I am buckled up as soon as I sit down so I don't let that annoy me. I will comment though, I found that after the series of beeps if you are one to NOT want to wear it, then it will stop after a few minutes and then only the dash light will remain flashing...so Blixt, you may want to try that for the seat belt. I get 2 beeps when unlocking the door not 4. As for the other exterior beeps I don't even hear them so they are not an annoyance...but for those who would use the ACC Mode, it may serve as a good purpose for those people to remember to avoid any issues with battery etc. But to my original point, Toyota should have allowed some user adjustable settings and not have to run to a dealer for some..that's where they could have improved....IMO.
What really gets me is the back up beep. Actually I think it's a great idea but it needs to be heard outside the car, man inside the car makes no sense to me at all, as the driver knows he is backing up and on my 07 you even have the rear camera showing you that visually too. As for the other beeps most cars have them for many of the items the OP mentioned it's not just Toyota. My 05 Acura RL had the beeps associated with the touch door locking system and the seat belt too. Again though the back up beep was so wasted, especially now that big brother is beginning to look into the safety issue with EV noiseless movement. Prius could have been ahead of the game even a little.
Can't you easily turn off the backup beeps like you can with the Gen II? By pushing the brake, the odo, the transmission, while rubbing your belly??
I have not had any frustrations with beeps. My car was delivered without the reverse beeps at my request. And I wear my seat belt. The last time I did not have a seat belt on was when I was in the back of a cab that was involved in an accident and I was seriously injured. I would feel naked without one on and put it on the second I get in the car.
I'm a relatively new member - just over a month. Have been heavily involved with other forums as well and find them informative and valuable. However, appears that a good number of OPs are ranting on. And on. And on. There was the recent "epic" post taking 3 scrolls to view (the non-Prius owner ranting about his wants), and many others come to mind. This OP is another example. Seems as if some want their 15 minutes of fame. I know. We don't have to read them. But a forum as this is like a highways with signs. If cluttered the effectiveness suffers. And while I'm at it - over 1,000 replies to the sticky 2010 Owners Pics??? What started as a great Post became simple yada. I'm stopping now....
I have to agree. This site was invaluable as I was purchasing mine but I've watched it degrade into a bunch of rants instead of helpful questions and commentary, like it used to be. The one benefit has been to my productivity - now that I know most of PriusChat is garbage I rarely check back. I used to spend many hours reading through all the forums everyday. No more! Thanks OP!
Glad I can't hear well. I never really noticed any beeps but the reverse beeps. I first heard them in the test drive and when my car came I simply told the salesperson to have it changes during the prep. No big deal.
Well I was pretty upset when I wrote this,and rightly so, that was the day 2 dealerships told me they would'nt do ANYTHING.. And yes a long post, guilty as charged. But this forum seems like the appropriate place to express my opinion, does it not.. Well I dont know if your speaking from experience when you say that it's easy to turn the beeps off.. Have you attempted to do this?
Well I actually wear my seat belt too, and that's one of the only beeps that I feel is nessecary.. It's just that there are so many beeps that it begins to get irritating.. No frustrations? Try having the power on, and the key in your pocket and then open and close any door and you'l hear 3 loud outside beeps.. The car wants the key inside the vehicle all the time as long as the power is on.. SO you have to always remember to leave the key in the car while opening and closing any door.. I just dont like to have to do that, it should be easier.. I understand the need to alert people when the batterry is on so we dont drain the battery.. But is this the best they could do? And I must say that I'm surprised you were able to get the reverse beep turned off.. 3 dealers have regretably told me that there is nothing they could do.. Even for money
Aside from beeps and squeeky breaks, everything is great The Prius is an amazing vehicle.. And to anyone considering buying one.. The pros certainly out wiegh the cons. But if you have a concern, speak up! I think potential prius owners will discover all the wonderfull features it has to offer by reading test reviews like car and driver and others.. But.. It takes time as an owner to realize a cars unique "quirks" which is what this forum is for.. "Roythepriusguy" As for clutter.. what would you call your comment?? How about the exact thing it's condeming?
My points were: 1. Search for Thread duplication - I'm certain that you were made aware of multiple previous Threads to ADD your post rather than begin a new one. 2. My input was concise - Your OP was repetitive and lengthy. 15 Minutes worth? I am not alone on this - read some of the answering posts here.... 3. Some new Threads are pervasive and DO clutter the main Forum pages. I believe many here would agree. I mean if one doesn't log in for a few days... read the new Thread subject lines and some are laughable. As for your slam - perhaps next time I'll PM you...
I agree with the OP, in a world full of man made noise I don't need unnecessary beeps from my new "silent" hybrid car. The reason this comes up frequently is because some people (myself included) are annoyed and frustrated by excessive and unneeded noise. What adds to the problem is that Toyota seems to have put some of these annoyances in just so their dealers can charge customers to turn them off. Or maybe some manager at Toyota really thinks the more things beep the safer they are? The beeps should default to off and be user programmable. OK that's my 2 cents worth and I'll probably have more to say when we get mandatory noise makers on our hybrid cars.