59 F There's actually a fairly recent thread which asked age and gender. I cannot find it though. The search tool apparently doesn't find any words consisting of 3 letters or fewer. So "age" and "how old" don't yield any results.
Here's the one I was thinking of. I remembered it was about age and color choices. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...m/65225-your-age-your-prius-color-choice.html
Female, 52. Waiting for my new Prius to come. This is only the second new car I've bought in my life!
It's a gen 2 poll, and the average age is in the 40s: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/7905-what-average-age-prius-owner.html
Male 25, single.. I think the paradigm is about to shift with prius, I see more young people in the GEN 3 Prius than in older ones
exactly! Is there a way to add a poll to a thread? I hate to hijack this thread ( that wasn't created by me) but I am interested to see the breakdown and lazy enough to not want to collect the data manually. I also noticed more than one entry where owning a prius has become a family affair. Either parents are influencing kids or vice versa.
29 when I took delivery on my 2007 currently almost 32. Favorite of about 10 cars I've either owned or had regular use of. I never owned a Toyota or liked Toyota's for that matter before my Prius, but it was the only car that met all of my important needs. They have probably gained a Toyota customer for life as well as at least 3 other sales that I have steered their direction (although all 3 that I've steered their way went with a Yaris instead)