I'm getting ready to take in my III for its first service run. I have floor mat clips, backup bell etc. Was wondering if my glove box latch being askew is normal or is this something to add to the list?
What is wrong with your floor mat clips? Yes, I would have them look at the glove box latch, as mine does not bulge like that.
I don't know, I don't see a big thing with the latches. They seem flush with the plastic on each side of the respective latch. If they work fine to open the glove boxes I'd hate to have them mess with something so minuscule. Unless it looks worse in person and I just cannot see it in the pics...
Your top latch looks good, but the bottom latch appears to be both inset a bit, and a little high. Mine is not high, and looks well aligned when viewed straight on. However, my lower latch is a bit inset also, but maybe not quite as much as yours. Consider: Do they function (latch and open) well now? Might adjustments, if even possible, look better but function less well?
It's hard to get the picture angle right to show what's off. They don't line up at all. Additionally, the bottom one looks like it's depressed, especially on the left side. This makes for a decent size gap at the bottom of this latch. It's probably no big deal, but it's one of those things I've noticed, and now I see it every time I get in the car. I just wondered if I should just get used to it, because they're all off a little or if it's genuinely out of line.
Never say never... Sometimes small things like this get made worse. Yes, they would still be liable to fix it, but who wants to live at a dealership... I'd tell them if it is not something easy and straightforward to fix/remedy leave it before possibly making it worse.
I really don't like the front mat clips. Every time I remove the mat to clean I have a fight with the clips. On my Matrix one broke. Anyone know the right move I usually grind my teeth.
I was confused becuse your first post says that 'You have floor mat clips', and then you stated that you 'have none'. So, I was not quite sure what you meant here... Should I assume that you meant on the list of issues that you had, one issue was that you had [no] floor mat clips, for the mats that you bought? Or is it possible that you did not buy the floor mats (but would like to get aftermarket ones), and that is why you do not have the clips? As far as I know, the clips are included when you purchase the floor mats.
I had the same problem at first. I discovered that the mat comes off easier if you lift the front portion up, almost fold the mat in half, and push the mat up over the back of the hooks from the underside.
The mats & clips. I have no trouble - have the all weather mats. Yes, you need two hands but it's pretty obvious. 1. Left hand under the mat just in front of the mat ahead of the clips/holes. 2. Push up a bit so the mat rises over the hole. 3. Pull the mat back a bit with your right hand to allow the hook to move out of the hole. Repeat on other side. It would be simpler if the hooks didn't flip/flop while you're trying to unhook. Is it tougher with the carpeted mats? ie stiffer material. Bottom line no matter what, replace the mats onto the hooks after removal.