So, how do we say it nicely, without giving any real life examples? Update 9.1 appears to add little, and fix nothing substantial. If your streets are not in 8.1, then 9.1 MIGHT help, but probably not. So, don't bother to buy it unless you try it or have extra money. Apparently, I am not allowed to tell you why I consider 9.1 to be so pathetic, or what your options are, or what I did about it.
One really big positive about the Prius nav is that it provides a nice place to stick your Garman Nuvi. I split the screen and stick the Garman on the right side and off we go. Unless you live in a major metropolitan area, you can't count of the Prius nav to provide you with turn-by-turn assistance.
i visited a dealer and checked out the nav in a V, and the version was 9.1. so, the incoming cars do appear to have the latest version, and well, it did recognize my neigborhood...
That hasn't been my experience. I live in a small rural town that only has two traffic signals, suburb to a 150,000 person town 20 miles away...Yesterday I had to go to an address in a part of my small town that I had never been to before. I used the destination feature and the guidance system took me right to the route involved going through some steep wooded areas on very narrow streets, with many turns along the way- often in very close (say 30 feet) of each other. It worked perfectly telling me exactly where I was on the map and when to turn(-by-turn) left or right just as I needed to...
Toyota's own Nav maps show the "detailed coverage" areas. Apparently you are lucky to live in one. Easily see these Region-Coverage maps: Info, Maps, Coverage (select region).
The following info has been specifically requested: The "U" and "D" to access the "service" screen refer to touching either the Upper left (U) corner, or the Lower left (D for Down) corner of the INFO PART of the screen AFTER the Info screen has been partly covered by pressing the DISP button. So, Info, Disp, U,D,U,D,U,D. It is discussed more elsewhere, probably in the maintenance forum.
We all post something off topic from time to time... come on, I'm sure you have done it before, don't make me do a search to prove it! The point is. This ain't about posting off topic! This is about people who got the Prius NAV getting hypersensitive whenever someone mentions the word "Garmin" or "portable NAV". I'm done with this topic. Everyone knows I like portables better because they offer a better value and I'm not trying to repeat it over and over. I was not bashing the Prius NAV. If you or whoever like it, fine, it's your money. Again, I just mentioned my experience with my Garmin to provide my real life experience to respond the questions raised in the forum. That's it.
I would need to know in detail what the 9.1 Disc would add?? Do they spell that out beforehand?? I would think if the NAV is working well for me now, I would be foolish to consider it???? Unless potentially going to be cross country travelling...Anyone agree???
Put the Prius NAVI in dual map mode, then put the nuvi suction cup holder on the NAVI screen over the right hand map.
Is this with the 9.1 NavDVD installed? (so I will be on-topic) A Suction Cup on a "large" touch screen? I would not do that myself, for fear of damaging the "touch". Does the (possibly 9.1) Nav screen continue to respond OK? How do you use the "Nav" screen for the phone and audio functions?
Not my experience. I drove out to my sister in law's place, who lives several miles outside of Gerlach, NV. No problems getting turn by turn the entire way.
Oh for the love of Pete. Is it so much to ask that we keep this discussion focused on the topic of the thread? The topic was, unless my eyes deceive me, the version 9.1 DVD, what it includes, what functionality it changes, what it costs, or whatever. The topic was not how to mount your other brand nav, which nav is better, why you can say your piece or not about your other nav, or any of the other crap that keeps popping up here. Without some reasonable discipline about staying on the conversation at hand, the board quickly becomes useless. Please, please, please, try to be at least vaguely relevant. Thank you. :focus:
As you have never posted anything off topic, right? Again, people make questions unrelated to topic sometimes and many of us try to help. Unfortunately... sometimes trying to help does require going a little off topic, so what? If don't want to see off topic answers, why are you reading them?
Why don't you start a topic "Gripes about off-topic Posts" instead of filling this one with your OFF-TOPIC "gripe" posts? If you really want to gripe about off-topic, check out the "sticky" threads. We are generally discussing things related to the Nav, before 9.1 is purchased, and after 9.1 is applied. For the most part, they are all things to factor into the decision to purchase the 9.1 NavDVD, or not.
Really? How best to suction your Garmin to the touch screen has something to do with the purchase decision of v9.1? Sure. So the thread descends into irrelevance and anyone who actually cared about the question at hand unsubscribes. Including me. Well done.
Well I think that the 9.1 so-called update has been determined to be sort-of irrelevant so why shouldn't the discussion follow? Love the Prius nav but it's basically a ripoff. There is no excuse for it to be lacking the amount of detail that is when a Garmin costing under $200 covers the entire US. I live within the Charlotte metro area and I still have to break out the Garmin every once in a while.
R...7, Yes, the possibility of using a well-positioned $100 portable with superior coverage might well affect the decision to buy the still-incomplete $200 9.1 DVD. It is a reasonable alternative, perhaps the only one for those traveling or living outside the NavDVD's "coverage" areas. Your "gripe" contributes absolutely nothing to this discussion. If you cannot contribute at least in some small way, even vaguely related to the subject, please post elsewhere.
I have posted off-topic comments trying to be helpful and you BOTH have done so too, so I still don't understand what all the fuzz is about. Easy folks Here's the scoop: We all come across dozens of posts unrelated to the topic every time we are browsing the chat, but for some unexplained reason, people tend to get upset with the ones comparing the value of portables with the Prius NAV... I wonder why.... oh, maybe if I read the post above I get a clue…