does anybody else find issue with the location of the EV/ECO/PWR buttons? looking at the Lexus HS commercial it seems better to have it closer to the steering wheel (unless it was optimized for RHD.) I don't want to have to take my eyes off the road in order to press them I have gotten used to feeling them out by leaning my thumb to the right of the selector and using that as the reference, although there have been times when I've pressed the wrong button. I'm looking into creating some kind of clear bubble/jewel sticker that goes over the ECO button especially and wonder if it might be a good idea? alternatively, if there was a way to swap the HVAC fan controls with those buttons, that'd be cool...
I don't know, i never really had an issue with it. When i want to hit one of em' quick I just kind of know where they are, go for it, press and have always ended up hitting the right button... Would it have been nice to have them on the left like the Lexus, I guess, but to me it just never was an issue since I have not had a problem with where they are.
To add to this, I will say that I generally never touch the mode buttons. Mine is always in ECO, and if I need a little more juice, all I need to do is take my right foot, and press a little firmer on the pedal. Having seen the light, I now understand that there is zero difference in total power available in the three settings (ok, 4 if you include 'Normal'). In fact, I would suggest that you may actually get slightly more power to your wheels if you remain in ECO mode, as the throttle response is the same in the upper ranges of acceleration, and if it reduces the power used to run the A/C system, it would in theory provide extra available power to the car ( Speculation here?). Therefore, for me at least, I do not mind if the power mode buttons were in one of the the gloveboxes.
I am always in "Normal" or "Power" mode while driving. At first I only drove eco mode until I realized all it was doing was making the gas pedal sluggish and messing with my A/C all the time. I use Normal on the highway, then in the city I use Power Mode. Power mode is very handy for the quick bursts of acceleration needed for driving in downtown Boston. That said I still get about 56mpg (calculated) on my average tank which is fine with me!
I understand what you are saying about the ECO mode and the A/C. However, I am not getting your justification for the PWR mode, when in Normal mode (or EV or ECO), pressing your foot on the pedal past the 1/2 way mark will make them all apply the same amount of acceleration to the car. (In other words, it will still apply just as much power in the upper 1/2 of the range in all four modes). Therefore, if you simply keep it in Normal (since you do not prefer the ECO mode A/C tempering) mode, then you can react quickly to changing road conditions without the need to switch to power.
I can think of a few reasons: 1. Based on my own experience, I'm not convinced that the car responds the same to both ECO and PWR modes. A couple of times I've been making a left-hand turn and I needed to clear the intersection quickly, so I pressed the accelerator pedal all the way down. In ECO mode, the car bogged just enough to concern me, while in PWR mode I blasted through the intersection. 2. It takes time to press the accelerator pedal down to the floor, and that time may be important in an emergency situation. 3. Pressing your foot further to get a response from the car is more tiring. A slight push in PWR mode is easier. Assuming the A/C is off, I've found that with care, you can get the same great fuel economy from all modes.
I don't find the buttons to be out of line, I guess it's just one of those things you adjust to naturally. Sure they may have had a better location, but since I generally stay in "ECO" most of the time and also use "PWR" that location is set in stone in memory to me. I don't find I use EV much at all, since it does that generally normally below speeds with a gentle touch on the pedal. I will comment to as Spartane did, Selecting PWR mode, is different than pressing the pedal. I see a big difference based upon the added power from the HV Batt I guess for the added HP.
I thought they were ok. In the HS, I'd have to (slightly) reach around the steering wheel. With the Prius, I can just lay my thumb on the shifter and I know my first 3 fingers will lie roughly in the vicinity of the 3 buttons.
Not only are the EV/ECO/PWR buttons in a bad place in the Prius, what about the AWFUL placement of the seat heater buttons? Those are totally unaccessable, and downright dangerous to try and turn off, especially in the dark of night. What was Toyota thinking?
I got in a display HS and didn't find them hard to reach, but I guess it depends on the steering wheel level... here's what I did, used a thick transparent blue vinyl so that it's easy to feel for the eco button:
Toyota doesn't seem to do well when it comes to button placement. I remember driving a Camry hybrid and couldn't find the "ECO" button. It was above my left knee, to the lower left of the steering wheel where no one could see it. The car also had heated seats and the button was located in front of the storage compartment in front of the automatic shifter.
Nice mod Jukeboy, I am thinking of appling a vinyl dimple on the eco button as my mod. I would prefer these buttons be integrated onto the steering wheel. I am dismayed that this buttons are placed in such awkward location. I guess one can not please everybody all the time. I switch between the different modes to facilitate driving in various traffic conditions; i.e. freeway merging, overtaking a slower car, upcoming road/traffic difficulties, stop and go and back road cruising. I mostly drive maunal transmission-equipped cars that offer the ability to better control speed and the application of power when needed so I appreciate that ability in the Prius. I found the throttle is much more responsive in power mode were as in eco mode, the driver can be much smoother in applying and maintaining constant TLA. Love this car.
I don't have a problem with the ergonomics of the button positions, but I am wondering why in the world Toyota would even bother to put them in the car?
yeh, those buttons should be on steering wheel maybe as paddle shifters. i kept pressing hazard button when trying to push power button.
I agree. there has been way to many people thinking ev modes make it an electric car, and most don't understand that it hurts their mpg. If it was my choice i would have left the buttons out.
I find the placement poor as well. I'd like them were the Park button is. I never use that button at all and hit the PWR button every time I get in the car. Wish there was a way to make PWR the default...