I'm trying to get XM Radio to push a "refresh" signal to my radio, but in order for it to work, my radio has to tune to channel 001. I can't figure out how to do that. There's just the channel seek/scan within types, and none of the type categories seem to include channel 001. Is there any way to do this? It's a CoastalETech unit (i.e., the Toyota factory unit) in a 2005 Prius. Alternatively, what's the fuse I'd need to pull to remove power from that unit? It's wired according to directions, so should be on (I think) the AUX power? Would yanking the radio fuse remove power from the XM unit as well?
Touch the TEXT button in the lower right and then tune with the knob. Any other method only takes you through your presets.
Hm. Mine's a 2005, and the UI looks different, but I'll give it a shot. I never knew one could tune with the knob! If it works, thanks!