I am in the process of trying to negotiate a good deal for a 2010, model III, with only the solar panel package. I am trying to avoid the other bells and whistles but so far its been difficult to find one without them. I have a 2002 and am ready to move on to Gen III. I'm trying to find out if the solar roof package is REALLY as good as it sounds. Anyone out there have one, especially those living in a hot climate? I'm in FL and especially interested. Thank you. I'm new to this...
I live in Southern Cal, so it does get plenty hot here... I have the package IV with the sunroof and solar panels. I was the opposite of you, I actually wanted the package IV without the sunroof package but purchased it anyways since that was the only Prius the dealer received. I think to answer your question, I would need to know your expectations. The fans powered by the solar roof will just basically "vent" the interior, trying to maintain the same temp as outside the vehicle. It will not make your car cooler than the outside temp. Saying that, it does make a difference as the Prius is pretty much a hothouse with all the glass. The interior of my wife's gen II Prius will get stifling hot when exposed to the sun for a period of time, whereas the interior of mine will be bearable (especially with the leather seats). Another feature you get with the solar package is the sunroof. I like having the option of opening up the roof on a cool morning or evening on my drive. To me, it makes the drive more enjoyable and doesn't add much wind noise into the cabin at higher speeds. On top of that, it doesn't seem to be much of a detriment to the overall MPG as far as I can tell. I'm averaging about 54-55 MPGs with the sunroof open intermittently. You'll also get remote AC, but so far, I found that it doesn't make much of a difference. By the time I'm in range for the button to work, it will be a few more steps before I open the door. So I guess the question is, do I regret getting the sunroof/solar package. My answer would be a resounding "no." I have no regrets. In fact, when you mention new Prius, most people will ask if you have the solar panels and how it works. I hope that gives you some clarification... and motivation, or not, to purchase the package.
I love the roof- the solar part makes minimal difference and you have to remember to engage the button before you leave. I do like the option of opening the roof to let the hot air out or to get some breeze. Goodluck
DH and I bought a pkg III with solar/nav. We have only had it a few weeks, but we love the solar roof option. We are in Georgia and I imagine we will use the ventilation most of the year. It does make the car more comfortable upon entering, and I believe it will help keep the interior leather from turning into roast beast. Okay, well, I think it may help the interior look nicer longer, put it that way. Good luck in your search.
Hi Atheneowl, I have a Package IV with solar roof in the Denver, CO area. No shade, the sun always seems to be right overhead, and our altitude amplifies the effects of the sun. I also purchased the windshield Heatshield. They aren't perfect, then don't "cool" the car; they do vent to keep the interior from reaching the scalding your hands, seat, and legs when I get in on a sunny day (330 per year in Denver, or so) and touch anything on the interior. I wanted a Prius with the Solar Roof Option; I would have held off buying to get this option. I too, am a resounding yes, I'm ecstatic with the venting during the 2nd half of July & August and agree the remote A/C seems marginal. --TK
Just got our 2010 Package IV two months ago and never had the chance to experiment with this. Now that the temps are in the cool side over here, we may just find out when summer sets in next year. Overall, the car is perfect.
There's one more secondary nice thing about this option: I like the way it looks. The black roof looks (and is) high tech. and a nice contrast to the color of the body (except black of course.