Well, this is probably more a personal catharsis than anything to do with the 2010 Prius. I am personally aware that many of us Newbees are of the opinion that we have spent countless hours reading thousands of Threads/posts, and feel we have gained enough knowledge and insight into the 2010 Prius to be resident experts on any subject relating to that car. I know recently I found myself amungst this group. I felt that since I owned a 2010, was reasonably adept at learning and had a desire to know all I could about my new found passion, had learned about everything I needed to know about the vehicle. And, that anyone posting a question, I could easily answer it with authority. I was feeling pretty good about myself and all the Prius knowledge I had acquired here on the Forum, and that I could, would and should grace all with my brilliance and insight. Last night I was quickly shocked back to reality, and by nothing related to a Prius! We met with friends last night, and one of the couples was having trouble with their Dish satellite system, and, being that was the field I had worked in for more than 20 years, there was NOTHING I didn't know about that subject. After arguing with one of the others on how to make the system workable, and seriusly chastizing him on how his method was ABSOLUTELY not possible...he proceeded to make it work PERFECTLY, and taught me something I'd never known about operation of the system. This all coming from a former Train Engineer who new nothing more than what his installer had shown him over a year ago!!! Needless to say, it was a humbling experience, and I learned a valuable lesson, that being, NO one knows it all...NOT even ME (though I STILL find that difficult to believe)! This morning I was reading 2010 Prius Threads/posts and thinking I know the answers to all of these, and I'll grace them with my formidable knowledge, when I read a post that I said "that's an easy one, I'll give a quick brilliant answer and amaze everyone with my expertise", just to be beaten to the answer by someone with a completely different perspective...that was correct, and mine would have been wrong! Another humbling experience! So, I've gone from the highs of thinking I'm a master of answers for the 2010 Prius, to the lows of feeling "maybe I really don't know anything...about anything"! I have learned ENORMOUS amounts of information about my new 2010 Prius, more information than I've ever known about any car I've ever owned, but, after recent experiences, I now know NO ONE knows nearly as much as they think they do. I'll definately be more humble next time, and keep in mind, the purpose of this Forum is to help, and to keep the thought, we were all Newbees once, and knew ABSOLUTELY nothing about a Hybrid, all we were in search of were factual answers to our simple questions of how to be more knowledgeable about our new vehicle. Help keep me honest by not allowing me to say things like "I think", or "it's my opinion", because what individuals need here are facts, not speculation, rumors or supposition, but cold hard facts (unless, of course an opinion is asked for). THANKS for letting me cleanse my soul, I feel so much better...a little dumber, and yet, also a little wiser!!! (Bi-Polar) David (aka Blind Guy)
What a bunch of crap. You really do know everything and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. jk...love the thoughts and humble posture I'm glad be a part of a community with people...resources like you in it
Good post, David. You see pretty well for a blind guy. Real learning involves finding out how much you don't know. When you think you know everything, you've stopped learning. And never forget the definition of "expert": 'X' is an unknown quantity, and 'spurt' is a drip under pressure.
I saw a signature line once that read something like this: When I got my bachelors degree, I was sure I knew everything. Then I got my Masters and knew I did not. In getting my Doctorate, I realized it's OK, because no one else does either. I know it read better than that, but I can't remember the exact quote.
David, Your comments are right on point. However, I would take exception to not being allowed to say "I think", or "it's my opinion." I think that we are honor/duty bound to provide the best advice that we can, given the facts that we are provided, and very often they are incomplete, or are some special case. In my opinion it is best to start out with an "I think," or "in my opinion," as it leaves some wiggle room if/when additional information comes to light. Sometimes, it is best just to sit pat until one of the heavy hitting trouble-shooting gurus post up. Now that takes some real discipline... Me! Me! I know the answer! I know the answer!... Maybe not Rather than put yourself on in the spotlight, you can provide access to either an answer or a discussion of a thorny issue by providing a link to a thread on it. In this way, you can be "A guide on the side, rather than a sage on the stage." http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/70426-detag-2010-a.html#post978501 Again, thanks for your thoughtful post. :thumb:
Actually, my CC kicked off at about 10 mph, under circunstances that I recently read about, but then totally forgot. At least, I think I forgot!
What an interesting read and definitely a good one to reflect upon oneself. I may have the badge <---- but that doesn't mean I'm the know-all, be-all.
David, Good post, and good responses. Really, you are more well-researched than almost anyone I read here. Too many of the postings here have a simple answer: RTFM. However, everyone is very patient with those questions. Keep up the good work. My V w AT is supposed be here this week or early next (Indiana Highway docked at Long Beach on 9/29). I will continue to rely on your advice. P.S. I don't get your reference to bipolar. That is a serious disease!
that's the learning process for you! the more you know, the more you realize you don't know! (sometimes, the less you WISH you knew!)
You're assuming the heavy-hitting troubleshooting gurus actually have any idea what they're talking about half the time? Heh... . _H*
About once a year I walk down the hall muttering to myself, "If I had any brains I'd probably take them out and play with them." Bob Wilson
So basically David, what you are trying to say in a rather long winded way is, you just realised you are no longer 16 years old?
If you are going to fake it, just make sure you do it with confidence. One of the physicists that used to work for me would sometimes walk down the hall singing the scarecrow song from The Wizard of Oz: "If I only had a brain...". When you heard that, you knew he was suffering from a brain fart. Tom
In the matter of offering advice, as opposed the giving The Answer for a posted query, I think it is important to remember that every response is merely an opinion. Some opinions are more trustworthy than others. But even the judgement of trustworthiness is an opinion. And citing an independent source carries an implied high opinion as to its reputability. Whether any advice is deemed valid by the requester is wholly a matter of their expectations. Some folks post up demanding a Silver Bullet. They are unlikely to get it. Others ask for help in understanding their predicament. These folks are far more likely to find satisfaction, though it may take a while, and require input from more than one responder. (And may also require some investment of their time using the Search Tool.) Likewise, a responder has expectations. It is dangerous to expect to be all-knowing or infallible. It is far better to expect only to be helpful in providing what may be part of an answer, or guidance to one step along a path to understanding. In my case, I feel that the best that I can do is to help move folks along towards greater understanding. After all, my experience and my opinion is just one data point. Understanding a situation requires integrating more information than I can typically provide. Any more, I don't even try to provide The Answer. Nonetheless, I try to be honestly helpful, knowing all along that others will chime in if I don't quite cover all the bases. And there is one of the great strengths of PRIUSchat; we have many very experienced, and in my opinion very trustworthy posters who can add their experiences, competencies, and opinions to a discussion. But a requester has to give the process time to work to get sufficient input on which to form an opinion as to how they will procede with the information they have been offered.
probably. that's been one of my general philosophies for a while! one of the more preeminent lessons one learns in grad school- combined with the understanding gained about how everyone is really just making this up as we go along.
* Individuals suffering from Bi-Polar disorders are afflicted with periods of EXTREME highs and lows, my analogy to that disorder was to infer my high periods when I thought I knew it all, and my periods of lows when I discovered I did not. P.S I'm anxious for you to receive your new V w/ AT and let us all know how you like it. I'm going to go against what I just preached to others and say, In my opinion you're gonna LOVE it!!!