Is there a pdf available for the 2010 Prius Navigation System Owner's manual. (It would probably be easier to read than using the book form)
Send me a PM (Private Message) with your email address and I'll send you a pdf of the 2010 Navigation Manual. Also, check out this thread which will describe how to get a copy of the 600+ page 2010 Owner's Manual on pdf (talk about easier to use): Welcome to PriusChat. Use the Search function judiciously -- there's a wealth of information already here.
Go to this site and register. Owners manuals are searchable online. Other useful info there as well.
+ 1 But note that on the site you need a VIN number, and the Owner's Manual there is broken up into 30+ separate little pdf files. It'll take you several times longer to do a full word or phrase search there than if you search an Owner's Manual that is contained on one pdf file. The thread I've linked above and below will provide you with instructions to get the Owner's Manual or the Navigation Manual (your choice) on one easy-to-use pdf file that you can download onto your computer or a disc that you can use anytime or anywhere without internet access.
Toyota's making such documents readily available now. Google "Toyota Techinfo", usually you can go with the first hit. Lower leftish on that page select the "manuals" tab, then fill in your car's info and search. Hopefully should be in there.
Here are the PDFs. See attached or visit the website below and select "2010" and "Prius" then navigation to the "resources" section if the link doesn't take you there. Toyota Online Owners Manuals and Warranty