I searched for grill blocking directions/pics on a Gen III and see none. Who out there has blocked their Gen III grill/s? Any advice? What size pipe insulation is best for the different Gen III grill openings? Would you block top or bottom first as temps get into the freezing area? (I do not yet have a scan gauge.)
unless you are seeing temps above 60º u can block 100% without issues. as for me, i am seeing occasional temps near 70 but block 100 % because no long freeway trips for me. the other day, it was 73 and saw temps touch 203 a few times. as far as foam, i use 1" cut in half on bottom, ½ " cut in half on top. here is pic. sorry, not quite what i have. the only thing different is the bottom, i took the foam out and turned it around so it looks like the top...better looking that way. it does make a major difference in how warm the car stays. on Monday, i did a test. it was near freezing on way to work, i drove until water temp hit 185 and while constantly moving, i turned on heat and set to 78º. granted only driving at 40 mph, but water temp dropped to 160. i turned off heat and within 2 mins was back up to 190. without the blocking, my car was barely getting to 165-170 and that was only at the very end of my commute
Wow, I would have never thought of using pipe insulation. I was just thinking what should I use this winter? I have some rubberized fabric that I have used on my other vehicles in the past but it tends to rub paint off. I mainly want to block the grills to prevent road crud getting into the engine area. Thanks for the idea! Peter
I would like to suggest the upper grill to be kept open. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...62556-2010-prius-grill-blocking-strategy.html Ken@Japan
the purpose behind this is to keep the ICE system warm...or to help it warm up faster to reduce the warm up time? i live in so cal and had not heard of this. had anyone made aftermarket pieces that snap on for the winter? I'm all about function...but I also want to keep my ride looking nice.
Just FYI, you may want to check out this post: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...0-dramatic-heater-improvement.html#post978678 You may not need as much blocking as you may think.