Just purchased my 2010 tonight and brought it home. Um...how do I get the Dome Lights to turn off? I know the manual says they will go off in 20 minutes, but mine have been on for nearly 1/2 hour. I have the map lights and the dome light set to "door". Someone help before I run my battery down. Fred
Are you referring to the dome light over the rear or the personal lights in the front? Make sure the maplights aren't turned on. The maplights will not turn off.
It shouldnt run down your battery. If I am thinking of the correct thing, did you try pressing the lights themselves?
It seemed to be an anomaly actually. Moments after I made my post, my wife confirmed as I had that all the lights were in the "doors" position and that we did not have any of the map lights on. She opened and closed all of the doors and the hatch a few times, even though the HUD did not display any open doors, and they went off. We have had it for two days now and it has not repeated the event. It was, in fact, all of the interior lights (dome, maps, the ones on the lower parts of the doors...even the pinpoint light that shines on the shifter). Despite some excitement on the first night over the lights, we are loving our Prius.