So my wife has a longer drive (3x as far) to work than I do and is trying to convince me that SHE should be the one driving the Prius (that I gave up my '95 Impala SS for) and I can drive the mini-van (that she picked out for her) that only gets 19MPG average. The problem is that the argument makes sence but I don't want to be seen in the van and we need to keep it to carry 4 other kids every weekend and for other large items. So I convince her to let me build this without the diesel engine and just the rear wheel electric drive. It will have AC, heat and a stereo. Uses no gas (it will have a 120v 160Ah LiPo battery Pk) and can go ~80mi/ charge @60mph. It might take me 6-8mo to build it but I think I came out on the winning deal. OOPS Mods can you move this to the EV discussion please
My wife and I switched, too. She drives about twice a far as I do since both kids are in private schools. I now drive the 20 mpg Honda Pilot and she drives my Prius getting about 47 mpg.