This happened to me again today so I'm wondering if anyone else has this problem. I set the destination in the Nav as shown in the manual (I checked and rechecked!!) but the NavLady doesn't speak. The map, route and other info show up fine on screen but there's no voice guidance. Other times I set the destination and the voice system works perfectly. Anyone else experience this?
Somewhere in the nav settings (you have to be stopped), there is a volume control for the voice guidence. Sorry I can't be more specific.
I had this problem today too, though it wasn't a volume issue. No speech when giving directions. When I tried to change the volume (it was set to 3), she would speak "Guidance will be given at this volume" at the new volume, however she still wouldn't speak any directions. The display continued to show the directions, however. The problem continued even after I deleted all destinations and started over. She did speak when I used the voice control to add a new destination, but only for the prompts - she didn't start giving directions. Also, pressing the button with Voice on it, which I believe will normally cause the voice to repeat the last instruction, only would bring up a little pop-over window with the name of the road, or something like that - no voice. What fixed her was when we stopped for dinner, obviously turning off the car (parked in shade, and the air was cooler); when we returned to the car, she was no longer mute, though it did take her a few minutes to get her bearings (she was off by about a half-block, and kept changing her mind about where we should be going). The only unusual thing is that my car was parked in a very hot, sunny area when we first started; ~100°F and sunny all day. The cabin cooled quickly with A/C, but I suppose it's possible that the nav system just needed a reboot or something. My fiancée has also seen this behavior once or twice; possibly after being parked in the sun then as well. Anybody else? (I know the standard reply: "Take it to the dealer! It's under warranty!" There, I just saved you the trouble of replying with that. And I might, if I can reproduce it.)
Yeah I've noticed this quirk about three times over the past 11 months. It disappears after a "reboot".