Hi gang, How far is the moonroof supposed to open? In the owners manual, the illustration makes it appear like the moonroof opens 100% of the way. But my moonroof only opens up about 70% of the way. Below is a photo of how far my moonroof opens, with everything opened as far as possible... is this normal? I cannot open anything further than what you see here: Thanks, Scott
Yup! that is it. Just enough to see the moon. and throw your beer cans up and out. My buddy's is he same. My GS is something else. That one goes way behind my head. and is very wide. Still a great car
That looks right (you even moved it back the extra inch). The reason why it doesn't go all the way where the sunshade cover is, is because it opens over the roof, rather than in between the roof and the headliner.