I was reading the manual and I was wondering what value everyone has their fuel cutoff set? Any other values that are specific to the Prius? How have you customized with XGauge? Thanks!
There's a federal (and I believe international) mandate that states the OBD2 connector must be accessible, and I believe on the drivers side. The Prius is right above where your left leg would be on the drivers side.
Now back to my original post: I was reading the manual and I was wondering what value everyone has their fuel cutoff set? Any other values that are specific to the Prius? How have you customized with XGauge? Thanks!
I have my fuel cutoff set at 17. The default of 24 seemed too high. I see a no-throttle TPS value of 14 so I went three higher. The only XGauge that I have programmed is today's fuel economy in litres/100km. The gauges that I typically display are: RPM, instantaneous fuel econymy (l/100km), and the XGauge above. I will vary the fourth gauge.
If you are not familiar with the Scangauge here is a link: ScanGaugeII - Scan Tool + Digital Gauges + Trip Computers My comments relate to the use of this product. An explanation of Fuel Cutoff Setting from the manufacturer: "The CUTOFF was a last minute addition to the ScanGaugeII. Some vehicles will report when they shut off fuel flow during coasting with the engine in gear. The same signal also indicates when the vehicle is enriching the fuel mixture during hard acceleration. If the throttle position is below the CUTOFF value when this signal is received, the ScanGaugeII assumes it means 0 fuel flow. Above this it means enriched flow. Normally you should not have to change this. If your TPS is above this level when you are coasting with your foot off the accelerator, you would need to raise it. If you set it to 0, this detection is turned off". Looking at it more closely, it sounds like the default value of 24 should be OK for the Prius. In other words, coasting / enrichement signal AND TPS < 24 equals coasting with no fuel use. My lowered value likely does not make a difference for this, but it may be relevant for some other indication. In other words, in some cases the Scangauge may not recognize when the car is coasting with the engine (ICE) off and as a result, the calculated fuel economy will be innaccurate. Modifying the Fuel Cutoff setting can correct this, resulting in a more accurate FE indication. An XGauge is just a programmable value that is displayed as a "gauge". You don't need to use this feature but it allows the user more flexibility to display whatever values that they might find useful.