Ok, I haven't hit the 100,000 or 200,000 mile club (I'm sure I will, and it won't take too long)... but I'm wondering how many Prius owners can beat me for number of states I've driven mine in. I've driven my Prius in 46 states since I bought it on 7/7/07 (missing Alaska, Hawaii, Nebraska and Oregon). You?
Not nearly as many as you: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Idaho, and Washington. But I've also driven it in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia, which should count for three each because they're so much bigger. So, ten states, but I'll count the four provinces as three each and credit myself with twenty-two. You still win.
Ha -- good question The week after I bought the car, we drove to Seattle, and missed it by traveling to the north... and last summer we took a trip out west, and missed it by going south. I actually considered detouring just to hit it, but it would have been a BIG detour. I'm an avid Geocacher, and I've been making an effort to do a cache in every state, so I'm sure I'll get to Nebraska (and hopefully Oregon) before long. I've been to both before, but long before my Pruis days!
All six New England states, plus New York and Ontario, Canada (so hey, I've driven it in two different countries!)
Been driving for about 6 months and I've been to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida.
Hmm, let's see ... Virginia North Carolina Maryland Pennsylvania West Virginia Kentucky Ohio Indiana Illinois Wisconsin and (not a state but I'll count it anyway) Washington, DC
When we drove the Prius to Seattle (a week after buying the car), we were going there for a cruise to Alaska, actually! We have another cruise booked in the spring for Hawaii, but yeah, I'm thinking it's definitely going to involve a plane
Sorry to resurrect a really old thread, but I just rediscovered this forum, and I thought I'd post an update... my Prius is still running strong, and I've crossed Nebraska & Oregon off the list, so I have now driven it through all 48 continental United States. And I'm around the 180,000 mile mark. Still lovin' this car, and hope to continue to have many more adventures with it!