Hello folks - Bought the 2010 in June, with about 4.5K miles, and no oil change done I am getting 48 to 50 on average - and this agrees with the specs. However, I have seen/heard that some folks get around 60 and even beyond...I am doing all the right things to squeeze more miles but still no luck ... Any expert advise will be appreciated Thanks
Tell us about your driving: length of trips, type of terrain, speed, stop and go, weather, etc. With that information we can make some suggestions. Tom
no long trips per se; about 40 miles/day, around the town 40-60 mph speed range, urban only and no dirt road driving, last 4 months has been summer time in South East Michigan so no snow or other issues, try to do lot of coasting, 75mph speed on highway, a/c used may be 5% of time in last 4 months...
Mine is of similar age. I drive 60+ miles a day to and from work on very hilly roads (CT-15) I consistently am getting 58 MPG highway (displayed). I find that just looking at the HSI (I recently switched from seeing the trip display with MPGs to just nothing). and the instant MPG bar, I have been able to apply similar pulse and glide techniques to highway driving (and hill surfing). I try never to go into PWR (unless just starting), keep on eco mode with no ac, and tires at 41/40. Nate Edit: definitely slow down. That makes a huge difference. I will not exceed +5 mph over the speed limit on my own power (down hill, i will though). try aiming for 60/65 on the highways. Also if youre on city, refrain from driving on EV (unless short stop expected)...use the P&G technique.
Short trips and high speed are mileage killers. If your 40 miles per day is two 20 mile trips, then that is good. If instead it's a bunch of shorter trips, your mileage will suffer. You may not be able to do anything about that, but you can slow down. That will help a lot. Tom
Yes, in my limited experience, glide is the key. On even the slightest down hill slope, let off the pedal completely, then give it the slightest push to get out of regenerative braking. It is amazing how long and easily the Prius will coast while your mpg meter will be pegged at 100. As soon as you see a red light or stop sign ahead, start gliding. If you want more info about pulse and glide, here is an article by a professional hypermiler on his experience with the 2010 Prius. I don't ever expect to get the milage that he does, but my milage has improved after reading his info. http://www.cleanmpg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25579 I do think your 75 mph trips are part of the story. Remember, the biggest savings is going from your old vehicle to around 50 mpg. Beyond that, the law of deminishing returns kicks in, only pennies per day, so its a matter of bragging rights. I do like telling people about getting over 50 though.