Every other thread I read is about some troll, or newbies getting banned. What did they do, what do I do to stay out of trouble? Stay away from the politcs section? Not sure if I want a prius, but I do not want to be labled as a troll for being here. Edit, I think I will just go away.
The reason trolls and newbies at any forum get banned is because they don't read the rules, and subsequently break them. Make sure you read stickies and announcements, observe a general decency, and I'm sure you'll be fine.
Why would you not be welcome? If you're interested in the Prius, this is the place. And yes, staying away from the politics forum is probably a good idea, at least until you've got your feet wet. Jumping headlong into fast moving water is generally not advisable.
Lets see, don't have a Prius, not sure he wants a Prius, but wants into the political forum of PriusChat, so how is he going to learn if he wants a Prius from the political forum?
If you post something that's nothing but an insult, without anything constructive, you probably will get labeled. If you simply ask questions and share experiences, you'll blend into the crowd along with the other 57,408 members. .
Also, just from looking at your other posts... You can change your avatar by clicking "User CP" on top and then "Edit Avatar" on the menu on the left. That is probably a question more appropriate for the newbie forum.
Where did I say that? Where did I post anything about wanting to go in there? I'll bet my bottom dollar your in there stiring the pot. But whatever, I can see I ask a question, and get bashed, you guys enjoy your site.
Why wouldn't you be welcome, what would make you concerned? If you're not interested in political discussions you're more than welcome. As John pointed out, we have a lot of members and many very active. It's but a few trolls and troublemakers that've come along, as happens on occasion, that make things more difficult for everyone in a sad windmill tilting effort to disrupt the site. If you're not someone like that then we'll welcome you warmly into a very active, informative, and friendly site.
Unfortunately we've been burned way too frequently by people - and it may well be astroturfing - posting nonsense to try to put other casual readers off the Prius or hybrids in general. It means that some regular posters' troll-detectors go off prematurely, when an honest newbie who's just trying to find out information posts something from the mainstream that's incorrect, or at least doesn't tell the whole story. The cars aren't perfect - no car could be, as everyone's definition of perfection is different - and there are bugs and failures. But it is, in my view, a very good all-round vehicle with generally very good reliability. As always, we tend to only hear of the problems. People with thousands of miles of trouble-free running often don't even come here, or if they do, maybe don't post that much - others who have that experience can maybe be too skeptical of a reported problem.
Let's check the records: About joinging Fred's House of Politics and about researching the Prius: What's worse? The spammer that gets banned by us Mods or the regular members who are chasing away new members? In my opinion, they are equal. I happily hand out infractions to the spammers and trolls and am seriously considering handing out infractions and suspensions to anyone who thinks it's their job to start going "McCarthy" on everyone else.
:welcome: There's a fine line between discussing and argueing. Unfounded opinions that are tossed out and beaten to death waste time and contribute nothing to factual dialogue...they "stir the pot" and thus become the products of what some call trolls. I'm sure honesty and sincere participation, without a nonproductive ugly agenda, are more than welcome. If one fails to use the search function some long time members might snip but even they are trying to help. Be aware of your true intentions since they eventually will become obvious and identify you as an interested member or TROLL. :fish2:
Hey 338Sniper, welcome to PriusChat. I was new here once so I know how it feels. Read ask questions, enjoy. If you feel so inclined and get a Prius you might find the truck gets used less and less for family commuting.
Troll Alert!!!! Troll Alert!!! Of course, the cars are perfect. But seriously, WELCOME to 338Sniper. WELCOME!
Every car/computer/spouse is perfect until you have to live with it. The Volt and Leaf are still perfect as no one has one.