My 2010 prius was hit in the I need new parts. Please take a look at the pics, if you know anyone that has parts that cost less then OEM Brand new please let me know. Basicly I need a hatch....full bumnper, rear left turn signal, and rear floor board.
This early on, you are unlikely going to find other than OEM parts. Your best option, other than new parts through Toyota, is to go to salvage yards. Unfortunately for others, there have been a few of the new 2010s completely knocked out. If you can find one that had an intact rear-end, you'll do well.
Try....$10-$12K....yep, pretty bad...but things are getting better, I have been working on it for a few weeks. New tail light, bought a bumper just need to paint and install it, and pulled the floorboard.
I simply don't understand why you wouldn't have insurance properly repair a brand new $25,000 vehicle...especially since a hit in the rear is not your fault?
I'm guessing he's cashing the check from the insurance company, fixing it himself, and paying the difference to his car loan. If not then he shouldn't be driving a new car.