I've owned two of the girlie cars (Honda Civic and of course the Prius) but none of the guy cars. Does that make me a cross-dresser? I also sometimes wear girl t-shirts. (The ones with the picture on the back, so guys don't have an excuse to stare at a girl's titties.) Not sure whether the Xebra is a girl car or a boy car. The Porsche might be considered a guy car, perhaps, but mine is electric, which must toss it over to the other side of the aisle.
I also owned a Honda Civic (a '93 Si) from new, until it was stolen (at 164,000 mi.) --- probably for conversion into one of those god-awful "ricer" types. Would the MSN author suggest that it was stolen by gang of women who smashed the drivers window & took of with it? Maybe it was stolen by the "Pink Ladies" gang from Grease ....
I agree with the F150 being a girls vehicle because all I see is women driving them around here. One they forgot to add is the Mustang. All I see are women driving them.
the Prius is not a girlie car Don't let it bother ya Bra... The MSM has been wrong more often than they will ever let you know. I still have my man card... you ain't going to lose yours if you decide to get one of the most efficient automobiles made on earth... unless... welllll... you get it in pink... and put a Garfield hanging from the window... then... yeah... but that would be you and not the car.
I am getting 42 MPG, I can let some bored writer for MSN worry if that is or is not girly. I defense of my manhood, I have a 17 foot ladder in mine.