i haven't been in the house of pancakes long enough to see the trend, but i have seen and experienced what you're referencing on other boards, wherein newbies arrive with already exhausted arguments for rehashing my brief observation here, as in other forums, is that the likeminded band together and reinforce their beliefs, and reject opposing viewpoints ... with a certain sense of superiority, and some name calling ... no different than on other boards, only the screen names change
House of Politics and the new folks... I for one, like the incoming posts from folks that haven't yet been reamed by malcontents or the ubber lefties... I also enjoy this board because it IS work safe... and that means I can divert my attention for a moment in a discussion of topical events and personalities with folks that may not agree with my position at all, and some that obviously do. I will not put anyone on ignore... but I do NOT have to post in every nonsensical thread posted up just to incite bickering... however... sometimes I must because they are just wrong and I have to say something about it... when you do that, it brings you perilously close to the ban hammer... and if you let a Mod or someone else here goad you into saying something stupid, you wont be back posting again... even if you are a board certified medical doctor/lawyer/Indian chief. I spend nearly all of my time in FHoP and FHoPol... when I need to have a question answered about the Prius, I look it up in the archives first before I ask... you really can't do that in politics though, so there's a lot of duplicated threads from folks not wanting to post in ongoing discussion.
Because Prius Chat is a chat board aimed at people who own, drive, or are otherwise interested in the Toyota Prius, and/or its innovative drive train. FHOP and FHOPol exist so that Prius enthusiasts have forums to discuss off-topic subjects without cluttering up the car-related forums. A small number of extremists who do not own the Prius and who apparently have no interest in the Prius have shown up to inject their extremist views into what was, originally, a discussion among Prius enthusiasts. Prius Chat allows this. If I had my way, it would be just a little less convenient for people with no interest in the car to jump in and start slinging mud in the political forum. In any case, when I see that someone has never posted except in the political forum, I pay them no mind. I don't always notice, however.
100% agreed. Why bother coming to this board if you don't drive the car? I came here to figure out how to do the EV-mode button modification for my 2007 Prius. The rest is just gravy.
But you WILL have your way, Daniel, just as soon as we get you installed as Emperor Of The World! :hail:
That or until TonyPSchaefer gets tired of it in FHPOL. The recent and sudden "ultra-conservative invasion" of that forum is pretty ridiculous. I suppose we could come up with a quiz or something. What does the EV mode button do, and what models have it? Does the 2007 model Prius come with keyless entry? What does the "B" driving mode do, and what is it commonly used for?
We're now moderating any join requests for FHOPol. In my opinion, if someone comes onto PC and immediately gets into FHOPol without posting anything Prius-related, the ban hammer is going to come down pretty fast. I didn't create this site to be a place for bored people to come and incite random strangers. There are many, lower quality forums where you can waste their bandwidth.
Now you are becoming delusional! It is perfectly rational for me to want to be emperor of the world; it is not at all rational for you to imagine that it's actually going to happen. THANK YOU DANNY!!! :rockon: It would be sad to see Prius Chat, with an off-topic forum for politics, turn into Politics Chat with a few off-topic forums for the Prius. As you say, there are plenty of other chat boards for politics, and some will most likely welcome the folks trying to get on here just to argue politics.
In case you still haven't been in FHoPolitics yet, here's how EVERY SINGLE THREAD goes: Post one: Our team RULES! Your team SUCKS! Post two: No, OUR team rules, YOUR team sucks! (Repeat post two 500 times) I recently re-joined because I wanted to start a thread with something I recently ran across, looked at the threads there, and quickly remembered why I quit in the first place and re-quit.
i asked the question because i assumed that prius owners would be a politically minded bunch, regardless of which side of the aisle they declared their allegiance case and point, both conservationists and hunters consider themselves environmental stewards ... but probably don't walk arm in arm on many issues it's not my board to moderate, i was simply asking the question besides, it's not like what happens in here transfers out to the rest of the board if you throw away the ashtrays, people ash on the ground and throw their butts in the gutter ... if you put ashtrays out, you solve the problem same holds true for trashcans ... and back room political forums
I'm bored! I'm trollish! But I'm a benign Troll. One of those cute kid's toy like trolls. I'm sick of people saying "Troll" like it's a bad thing. Every forum needs a bored troll or two.
Well, actually it appears to be retro active to me. I was in, now I'm out. Did I offend someone by asking a question? Did my 8 or so posts so inflame the Prius faithful that you can no longer handle a lone voice of dissent? Or did you guys just get mad because I read Alkinsky's book and applied his own techniques here? I actually thought this might be a high quality forum worth spending my time on. But, from what I've seen the emotions run too high and the overwhelming support for BHO can not be questioned. And, BTW I'm not from the NorthWest. I clearly say Texas. More than once. A certain famous quote from a Jack Nicholson character comes to mind right about now. Cheers.
The truth often upsets those that really don't care to hear it Bra. Don't be upset about a temporary shuffle, and don't light a bonfire just yet... once the sand gets out of their panties you'll have plenty to continue to discuss, but, this board is just a hair shy of the DNC's website when it comes to left or right politically... for a conservative like your's truly, it's a challenge I rather enjoy.
Tee-hee. You've been in the FHOPolitics, so you know that's B.S. 100 posts bash Obama for being a Socialist Nazi who hates American and wasn't even born in this country. 1 post comes along disagreeing with that, and suddenly it's OMG! ULTRALIBERAL BOARD!