I just put on this car cover on my Gen III and I have to say, it's a nice, tight fit. I had to fold in the one side mirror to pop that mirror pocket on, but that just means everything will stay in place with any wind. I wish it went down about another 1-2" on the side but I haven't seen any fitted covers that completely cover the wheels. Underneath the cover are SnapRing Tire Savers. I purchased the cover here: Covercraft Noah Car Cover It came out to $200 total (incl. free shipping) after a 10% off coupon I found. I checked about 20 sites and this was the best price available.
Yup, that's the same place I ordered mine. It came to $218.21 when I ordered. Still have not received it but your pics look good. Thanks for the info! My '10 lives outside and we are on the coast so the nightly fog always leaves a layer of dust and crud over the whole car. It sits for days at a time without being driven so I'm hoping that this will cut back on the need to wash it so frequently. Thanks. * Update: Just got mine today, Oct. 2, 2009, and it looks good. Will wash car and cover tomorrow.
How do you like yours? We had one relatively small rainfall & quite a bit of water made it thru the cover. If this is the way they are, and is gonna end up causing water spots, I am returning it. I have a cheap $50 cover from Target that never let any water thru on my other car. I am disappointed so far.
Well, so far so good. We have not had any rain here yet but the foggy nights/mornings do leave the cover wet but not the car. I see on their web site it says, "Best fabrics will shed water, but in extended rain storms even the best fabrics will absorb varying amounts of moisture." I guess a plastic one would keep out all water but also keep in moisture that you would want to evaporate. I'm still watching how it protects the car so the jury is still out on this one.