I just got my prius few days ago and i'm not so sure if the prius battery charging fine, look at the pic please, i wonder if this is a full charger or just 85% of it?
That is 75%. If it was 100%, the box would be totally blue. You should expect the icon to show 50% or 75%. If it shows any other indication, that is a clue the battery is bad.
Thanks Patrick for that quick replay . My wife check with the dealer and i still have warrenty on the prius system for 10 years till 2010 , i do not have any indication lights beside that and some times when i'm driving in the city the icon drop to 50% very quick, but the car charge it back to 75%My question is if i will go to the dealer , they will do something? Thanks Zach
Hi Zach, The behavior of your traction battery SOC gauge is normal if it switches between 50% and 75%. The Classic gauge only has four segments, thus it can only show the following possible readings: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. It is not possible for that gauge to show finer readings than that. Compare to the 2G gauge that has eight bars, so it can show nine different SOC states. Also, please note that when the gauge shows 0%, the battery is at ~40% actual SOC. When the gauge shows 100%, the battery actually is ~80% SOC. Thus, the gauge is showing you an expanded view of SOC from 40% to 80%.
Thanks for this information . The thing is that since i got the car , 7 days of driving i never saw the icon full green till the end , like 100% , so thats why i dont understand if its normal or i should see a 100$ Bat level if its working fine? Thanks
We're a Prius family. When my daughter leaves for work mornings she backs her 2003 Classic out of the garage and while doing so the steering wheel shaft begins vibrating (shuddering) when turning either left or right. This does not happen while moving in a straight reverse line. Nor does it happen at anytime after a brief warmup. Driving forward at any speed is smooth and troublefree. A conversation with the service manager at our Toyota dealer developed the suggestion that the rack and pinion assembly may need repairs. I suspect it may be something involving hydraulic fluid somewhere in the steering system because it corrects itself after warmup. Has anyone had this problem? Thanks for helpiing.
The Prius power steering system is electric, not hydraulic - so you don't have to worry about fluid being an issue. The electric steering gear is a weak point and the steering wheel vibration is a symptom that the torque sensors are starting to fail. Its interesting that this happens only when the car is in reverse...