Apparently the floor has some openings under the chairs for heat ducts. Unfortunately, I have now more than 20 beets from a necklace rolling around in this air duct under the floor. There are openings in the floor for anything to fall in. Any idea how to get them out? The sound of rolling beets is clearly underneath the front seats.
If they are purple and a root vegetable, doubt if anyone can help you. If they are plastic or glass perhaps someone can....
I'd send in a mouse to eat the beets. Then a cat to eat the mouse. Then a snake to eat the cat. Could get expensive fast! You can also try putting a fresh vacuum bag in your full-size vacuum and try to suck everything out of the vents.
How about one of those vacuum extension tubes that are used to vacuum out a dryer vent? You could stick it in the vent and suck out the beads.
Finally! A thread just made for fun! I love it. Thank you, 7th_paramita, whether intentional or otherwise. I'd offer a solution, but frankly, I'd find those already here tough to, er, beet.
Glad that some got some fun from my misspelling. Ofcourse I was referencing beads instead of beets. I begin to rely to much on the spelling correction tools. It did not trigger the wiggly red underline. Anyway, if you have looked where the opening is of the duct, you can see that using a vacuum hose is not likely to work. The opening in the floor is actually underneath the vent opening which is about one inch above the floor and not easy to get a hose connected to.
Glad that some got some fun from my misspelling. Ofcourse I was referencing beads instead of beets. I begin to rely to much on the spelling correction tools. It did not trigger the wiggly red underline. Anyway, if you have looked where the opening is of the duct, you can see that using a vacuum hose is not likely to work. The opening in the floor is actually underneath the vent opening which is about one inch above the floor and not easy to get a hose connected to.
Glad you weren't offended by the friendly ribbing. BTW, we all knew what you meant.... With that, allow me to continue >>> In order to dislodge the beads: 1. Lighten the load in your Prius - no passengers or stuff in the hatch. 2. Start the car. 3. Turn off the audio system. 4. Put the heat on full blast - mode at floor level - fan at top speed. 5. Buckle your seat belt. 6. Push the power button. 7. Drive car to a safe road and stop. 8. Floor the gas pedal. 9. Drive for about 11 seconds. 10. Slow down and stop. 11. Retrieve beads from the rear floor. Momentum and that blazing 0-60 speed from the Prius will roll the beads out of the ducts. Place beads in a baggie. Take them out of your car - never to enter your vehicle again. If this works notify Toyota so they can develop a Technical Service Bulletin. Alternative: 1. In a safe area put the car in reverse. 2. Floor the gas pedal for 2 seconds. 3. Slam on the brakes. 4. Retrieve beads from the rear floor. (the usual legal stuff goes here - no liability yada...)