I am taking my Prius in next week to change the reverse alarm from continuous to single beep. Is there a list of other features that I can look at to tell the dealer other things I want to change. I just cant think of any right off the top and I know I will get there for my one free appointment and not know what to tell them to change, besides the backup alarm. Thanks!
Try this: http://www.prius3.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/2010_Prius_Owners_Manual_Customizations.pdf
Nice - and there seem to be many threads, but they are somewhat disjointed (from what I've seen). It would be nice to see a sticky with the "normal" ones, and the special ones people really use - along with real comments (like volume - what do the numbers really mean - and if you programmed them, how does it sound). I know it's subjective, but there are so many of them, and so many are buried deep in long threads... Is there no general compilation to date??? Anyone???
I had the dealer change my reverse warning to single beep. It is lovely not having to listen to that constant beeping. I also had him turn off the "FOOT AIR LEAK." At first he said it had to be on because there is a law mandating air flow through the vehicle at all times. But the tech turned the default to off. So I guess it wasnt a problem. :cheer2: