Just noticed this tidbit on Vehix - the Number 1 car for making you look younger? The Prius, of course! #1: 2001 – 2008 Toyota Prius. Age? 30. At 46-mpg, it's hip to sip fossil fuels. Whether you like the shape or not, the Prius represents both the future of transportation, and energetic ideas. It has not undergone major reconstructive surgery and therefore it's hard to distinguish models from one another – a Prius really does radiate the concept "40" is the new "30." Used Cars That Make You Look Younger Cancel the Plastic Surgeon - just buy a Prius!!
nope every person I see driving a prius in my area are definitely older. There is no mistake about it and its doing them no favors. A car they missed on the list is the Volkswagen New Beetle. My wife drives one and is 26 and everytime I see her get in it she looks as young and hot as she did when we got married 8 years ago.
There is a little something to this, I think. When I see older folks in a Prius I know they are not old thinkers. Maybe they bought it to save on gas costs, but they are certainly not the caricature of oldies who intone "I've always driven a Ford and by God I always will!" They're willing to adopt a new technology and are flexible in their outlook. Something I'm not sure those of less years are always able to do!
I guess I don't really understand what they mean by "age". A Camry makes you look 28?? I don't think so! It might have helped if they listed some "old person" cars for comparison.
I hope the car doesn't make me look younger. I already look like I'm 17. I'm waiting on the time when I'm supposed to be thankful that I look young!