Well, the lady I am pursuing can't drive, so I'll have to say yes. If she did own a car, it would have to be a van, and I'd end up driving it.
If I restricted myself to a Prius owner, my non-hybrid wife would kick my nice person. To her credit, however, when I mentioned hybrid Camry, she perked up.
Is this for real? I don't care what she drives, or even if she doesn't drive. If it works, it works, if it doesn't, it doesn't. If she judges me by my car to any significant extent, I don't WANT her anyway!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusaurous\";p=\"97801)</div> Our Prii also burn gas, just less of it. The hard part for me is to look my life partner in the eye....he runs his car on biodiesel. No war required.
I didn't buy my Prius to be a babe magnet, but I have been getting a **LOT** more female attention with my Prius than I have ever gotten with any of my previous cars, including my two Integras, which back in their day were a pretty hot little ride. I don't find myself attracted to women who are attracted specifically by muscle cars or pimped out SUVs. It seems that intelligent, educated, and socially progressive women tend to be either interested in or impressed with the Prius once I explain to them what it is all about or how it works, so if you want to use your Prius as a babe magnet, you likely will have much more luck in a liberal college town than a military town (in NC think Chapel Hill vs. Fayetteville). As far as using our local Prius Club for dating is concerned, it's been pretty slim pickin's, since the only female I have met there so far, as attractive and intelligent as she may be, is waaaaayyyy too young for me and is married, so that's a no-go. As far as dating a non Prius owner is concerned, I definitely would, even an SUV owner, provided that she is open-minded about the Prius and takes it for what it is, and does not write it off as some weirdo-mobile.
Was it here or on PriusOnline where someone wrote an anectode where some friends of his tried hooking him up with someone during their party. The lady was turned off that he was a gunsmith and assumed he was a huge SUV owner. He stated he was, but actually drove in his Prius. She stormed off saying she was going to look for the Prius owner. He got bored and left. He found out that others told her the prius owner left after being insulted by somebody.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee\";p=\"98101)</div> You must be kidding. Since when did an engagement ring, or for that matter a wedding ring, even slow down most guys?? Seriously, you already know that about guys. Right??
Yes... reluctantly, Jay. Most guys will continue to pursue a girl even after she has expressed a complete lack of interest too... I always wondered about that.
I'm sure it's a very powerful and deeply rooted survival instinct for the species. Or, to quote Tim Allen: "Men are pigs!" I'm guessing the latter. Oink oink! Snoorrrrrrtt!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee\";p=\"98391)</div> No need to thank us, we're just doing our job ...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DanMan32\";p=\"98328)</div> Actually, that was here. It was TCD. Here's the link: http://www.priuschat.com/forums/2-vt5753.h...der=asc&start=5
Ha! I have to admit, while on the road I've been scoping out other Prius drivers to see if any were ahem, cute, female, and my age. So far, all seniors ... Hahah ... :-P
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dc_priuslover\";p=\"99464)</div> LMAO! No kidding! Just the other day, I heard a, "Hey, nice car..." only to turn around and see some 50 year old Earthy Crunch dude... :guns:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee\";p=\"98101)</div> Well, yes, but some take it as an assurance that you are not quite married yet. Sort of analogous to hearing the bartender holler "Last Call!". Or so I am told.
Hey! I resemble that remark! Well, I may be 50 and I may also qualify for membership in the AARP but I'm not a senior until I qualify for the senior discount. So better mind your lip young whippersnapper or I'll beat you about the head and shoulders with my cane, then retire to my rocker with an afghan around my shoulders and knit a car cover.
You know, I realize that men have a way of going after women when they see any kind of ring....but let's not let the women play so innocent here I've been married, very very happily I might add, for ten years to the girl I first met when we were both in the 10th grade...in that ten years, I've had more women hit on me than I ever did when I was into the dating scene. It happens a lot to married men too, maybe a little less pound for pound, as we don't wear engagement rings. So I guess women have a bit of a head start :wink: The women hitting on me is fine, as long as I take it for what it's worth..it's flattering sometimes, and sometimes it's not (when they're not at all attractive). Lately, it's been mid 40's Mom type ladies that have been flirting, but I just take it all in stride, smile and tell them that I have to call my wife and see if she'll let me go out on a date Actually only used that line once, it was freakin' hilarious! The look on her face was priceless. I told my wife about it later that night...she just laughed her nice person off. Dave.
Dave- nice. 3 weeks before my wedding I had a guy ask me out (while I was at work, and the guy was older than my DAD, no less) and I told him "Thanks, but I'm kinda busy lately planning my wedding." I have never seen a guy walk away that fast... And my then-fiancee and now-husband got a real kick out of it when I went home and told him.