I had double spinal fusion in my lower back last Monday and I knew I couldn't drive for a month but then the Doc said no riding either for 3 weeks. Bummer.
Well until you learn to put you toys away young man, you can't have your FOB back. So just sit and recover and think about what you have done. Wait until your father gets home... Dude, having L4, L5, and S1 completely corrupted in my lower back, I really do feel your pain. That what the drugs are for. Take it real easy, heal and get better. The Prius wil be waiting fo you. Just have someone put a trickle charger on the battey if it sits for weeks on end... you want it t at least start when you day comes!!
Sorry about the back. At least you'll have plenty of time to read your owner's manual and hang out on PC. Get well soon.
Sorry to hear about the back. If it makes you feel any better I bought my Prius 8/1 and I haven't even seen it yet (and won't get to see/drive it until late November).
Woooohoooo! More roadway for the rest of us!!!! (But seriously, I hope you heal fast and thoroughly!)
Mate that sux. Do as the doc says and give yourself the best shot at recovery. I hope your Prius doesn't miss you too much. Are you allowed to peer through the windows?
Can you sit in it, not moving? If so, play with the Nav as you go through that manual. When you have trouble getting to sleep, begin reading the Owner's Manual (again). Best wishes for a successful recovery, Gary
Ow! I truly feel your pain. My doc has started using the "S" word since I've started showing increased weakness in the leg, due to the stenosis. I've been happy to let the "House candy" take care of the pain, but getting out of Serenity is becoming more of a challenge. At least I have insurance, eh.
Thanks for the well wishes folks. It's suppose to be my Prius but according to my wife it's now her's. Grrrrrrr! The behemoth Z71 is her's. I went to buy a Scion xB but it just didn't do for me and with only about a $3500 difference, the xB I wanted was $21K, it was a no brainer for me. I liked it before the test drive ever got out off the car lot.
I have been on pain meds for so long it was starting to really effect my short term memory bad. Then they put on a 30# weight lifting restriction and the company I work will not let me work under those restrcitons luckily we have good benefits one of which is sickness benefits that pays close what I would make if working. It was a through the back fusion so the surgeon says 6-12 months recovery time. I guess I wil have tim to read the manual front to back and watch the DVD.
Uh... never, ever trust a surgeon on recovery times . My wife had L4/L5 fused about 7 years back, and she has never been completely the same. The truth was actually more like, 12 months to be up and on your feet.... 18-24 months before you were about 80% of where you had been. My aunt also had a similar surgery, and the same recovery period held for her as well. However, like most things, YMMV.
Yep, a lot depends on the person. Last year I took over a HS construction class for six weeks while the teacher had through the back fusion surgery. Was supposed to be for a minimum of 12 weeks. After 2 weeks he wanted to return to work but the doc wouldn't let him. He kept coming in to see what was going on. He finally talked the doc into letting him return after 6 weeks. Not bad for someone in their late 50s. Now I have to tell you about this guy. Two years earlier one morning while demonstrating "safety" techniques on the band saw, kind of a don't do this demo, he completely sawed off the fourth finger on his right hand. He called the school office to get someone to cover his class, wrapped the finger up in a paper towel and drove himself to the hospital!! The doctor told him he could sew it back on but he wouldn't have any use of or feeling in it. He told the doc it would just get in the way so just throw it away and stitch up the stump. The doctor gave him a shot for pain and stitched him up. He then got back in his car, drove back to school and taught his afternoon classes!!! I'm telling you from then on there wasn't a single student in that HS that gave him any trouble.
I can sympathize because when I bought my previous car, it was a Friday and I went into the hospital the following Tuesday. I was unable to drive for a month or more.